Author Pam Logan writes by the seat of her pants. She just sits down at her computer, thinks about the situation her character is in and just starts typing. “From there, my characters just take over. I don’t know where it is going or where it will end up. My main character was facing death from the opening line, ‘How do you tell the only people you ever cared about that you are going to die?’ and I didn’t know if she would pull through until the very end. To be honest, it could have gone either way,” Pam says.
Her book, How Do You Say Goodbye? was inspired by the loss of her Mom, her brother-in-law and some cousins, all of whom died of cancer. “I wondered how they must have felt, knowing the end was coming soon, even though I had never asked any of them when I had the chance.” Continue reading “Meet the Author: Pam Logan”