We don’t want any Grey Poupon. We just want to know about your free eBooks!
This is how it works: Each Thursday, we will put up a post like this one, calling for anyone who has a book to give away for FREE should provide ONLY the following in the comment section below:
1. Book title
2. Author name
3. A one sentence blurb
4. A link to download the book
The book must be free to anyone who clicks over to the link – not just Special Secret Squirrel Club members or whatever. You know who you are.
On Friday morning, we will randomly select five of these titles to post in the Freebie Friday Frenzy, a special vitamin-fortified post which will include book covers, link and blurb.
So let’s give it a try, shall we? Please make sure to follow the RULES above. Now, go ahead and tell the world about your free eBook:[subscribe2]
T'on Ma by Magnolia Belle
Historical fiction set in 1850 Texas, shows how the Kiowa and homesteaders tried to coexist. Adventure, romance, history.
How about if free with coupon?
Free with a coupon is fine.
Do you take short stories?
If it's free, and it's a e-book, we take it!
The Ring by Laurie Boris
Only six months after being left at the altar, a young woman brings home a mysterious new fiancé and a disturbing engagement ring. Fiction, humor, short story.
"Call Out: Jukebox Heroes Book Two" by LB Clark
When her best friend disappears, Elizabeth Morgan is pulled into a situation she never could have imagined and she finds herself facing a world where terrorists can sling magic as well as bullets, everyone is both more and less than they seem, and even her own thoughts and feelings are suspect.
Free with coupon code FK83D
at http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/87930
Jezebel's Ladder
by Scott Rhine
sexy spies, alien manuscripts, and a Rock power ballad
TROPHY by Paul M. Schofield
The struggle to prevent mankind's extinction begins. Future fiction, sci-fi, action-adventure. Free on Amazon Kindle for three days; March 2-4 http://www.amazon.com/TROPHY-The-Trophy-Saga-eboo…
The Christmas Flower
By Kali Seymour ( Psst it is my alter ego name.)
Does love really last for an eternity? Even after the one you loved has passed on.
Wood Point and the Fuchsia Walk
Paul Kestell
This Friday March 2nd–March 4th free at Smashwords
Search at Smashwords both titles
Hi Paul, we need the links here please. That makes it easy for people to download your books. And please list them in two separate entries. Thanks!
stories with fang o,.,o
Raven Corinn Carluk
These vampire tales are sensual, erotic, sometimes erotic, and not intended for the weak of heart or lust.
Damn it all!
That blurb is supposed to say: These vampire tales are sensual, erotic, sometimes horrific, and not intended for the weak of heart or lust.
Last time I type anything while on meds.
"Hard Press'd"
Author: Linda Rae Blair
6'3", black hair, icy blue eyes; a wealthy homicide detective with no shortage of trouble at home and a new partner on the job–then add murder to the mix.