Rachel Rossano is an an avid reader and lover of books, as well as an an author of clean romantic fiction. She usually writes fantasy novels that masquerade as historical, but she recently expanded into the science fiction genre.
She says her greatest writing strength is in her ability to write palpably real characters and relationships. “People intrigue me. Their decisions, interactions, and stories fascinate me. Running errands, I listen to the people around me and glean character and story ideas for later.”
The area she finds most challenging is plotting character conflict. “I tend to avoid conflict in my daily life. It takes work to force it into my plots, but without it, my books would be boring reads.”
It is the business end of being an indie author that frequently vexes her though. “The need for constant promotion annoys me. I managed to come to terms with the need for it, but I am still struggling to find avenues that fit my infinitesimal budget and don’t make me too uncomfortable. I am learning to stretch my comfort zone bit by bit.” (Ahem. Look no further.)
Rachel interacts with her readers through her Facebook page and Twitter, and also tries to answer all e-mails, but says it can be challenging with her three children cavorting about (as small children are wont to do). She also networks with other writers through social media. She belongs to over 20 Facebook writing-related groups, and learns a great deal by listening and paying attention to what other are doing and have done.
Of the indie author movement, Rachel says, “I have noticed a lot of positive changes. Readers and writers have more options available to them. Genres previously ignored or discouraged by traditional publishing flourish. Authors gained more control over their careers and work. The middle man disappeared. On the other hand, those who are only in the business to make money are working hard to exploit the system. The lack of oversight allows novices to publish inferior work. Many authors are growing paranoid and aggressive. As is common with new things, the results are mixed. In my opinion, though, the positives outweigh the negatives.”
Her advice to aspiring writers? “Write, read, edit, and write some more. It is tempting to get caught up in the social media/networking/promoting end of the business. Resist. You need more products to succeed. I am constantly reminding myself that I am an author. Promotion is something I do, but not my primary purpose. Focus on your manuscript. Don’t let it out into the world until it is the best you can make it. Seek others’ opinions with discernment. Find at least one person who understands your writing and what you are trying to accomplish. Then, listen to what they say about your writing.”
Rachel’s Latest title is Word and Deed, a short story loosely set in the medieval era:
Death or an arranged marriage, Verity refuses to accept the choices.
Verity Favian’s father dies unexpectedly. Her half-brother, Verdon, lays claim to all their father left behind: title, castle, and her. Verdon cannot touch the land set aside for her dowry so he offers her hand for sale to the highest bidder. Lord Silvanticus, a man renowned for his military power and close ties to the king, makes the winning bid. Despite the rumors of Silvanticus’ madness and cruelty, Verdon accepts.
Verdon locks her away in a tower. She is not sure if he seeks to prevent her from fleeing the marriage or spreading the truth only she seems willing to speak: Verdon killed their father. Either way, her time is running out.
Rachel Rossano is a multi-published author of short stories and novellas. Learn more about Rachel and her writing at her Amazon Author Page, Blog, and Website. You can also find her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter. Be sure to also check out her YouTube Channel.
Rachel, it looks like we have a lot in common, not the least of which is writing "fantasy novels that masquerade as historical". That's what makes labeling my work so difficult. Do you have the same problem describing your work to prospective readers?
Definitely, Yvonne. We should create our own genre. 🙂 The problem is what to call it.
Excellent advice – thank you, Rachel!
You are welcome, Kathleen. I am happy to help. 🙂
I'm impressed that you write "clean romantic fiction." I have just finished (waiting for my cover design) my "clean" romantic novel. Not sure what the market is for this type of novel, but at least I can sleep at night knowing that mother would approve of it. It's not surprising that our upbringing influences how and what we write.
There is quite a market out there, Michael. I fell in with some other clean romance writers a few years ago. Since then I have found a surprising number of groups and authors who read and write similarly. If you go looking on Goodreads and Facebook for "clean" or "sweet" romance groups you will find quite a few.
I completely understand the comfort of knowing pretty much anyone can pick up something I wrote and not be offended by the content. However, I have discovered that some romance readers grow frustrated at the lack of content. I try to make it as clear as possible exactly what the reader is buying. Should they still get upset, I am comforted by the fact I didn't deceive them.
Best wishes on your book release. When are we going to see it out and about?