Today we’re pleased to announce the winner of the 16th weekly Flash Fiction competition at Indies Unlimited.
The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.
A total of 75 votes were cast in the contest this week. The winner (with 56% of those votes) is Stephanie Myers.
Congratulations to Stephanie, and thanks to everyone who participated – excellent entries! Now, without further ado, (release the 99 red balloons) here’s the winning entry:

The Bandit
by Stephanie Myers
Her beady little eyes smiled at me as I walked back toward the table with the hamburgers. I had a hungry hoard to feed and could see the saliva glistening from their teeth – even from this distance. I was irritated about the brats missing, but I still had a sense of compassion.
The smell of the charcoal grill lingered in the air and reminded me of long summers past. The way it used to be. No use to dwell. Doesn’t get you anywhere anyway.
Poor dog. I knew she was hungry, but I wasn’t sure if I could afford to feed her and those I kept watch over.
They were growing restless. The clinking of their chains grew more intense as I walked past the table toward the dog run. This meal would have to last. At least until I could think of a way to procure more… meat.
I don’t know how she made it into the yard. I was going to have to do a sweep later and look for the hole she must have dug to get through the fence. Turn it into a rabbit trap, possibly.
“Here girl,” I whistled to her dangling a piece of the charred burger. She inched closer. The smell of meat and her growling belly propelled her forward and lended to trust – not seeing the knife I had in my back pocket.
Poor dog. Just enough meat to replace the brats – and feed the guests I kept in the backyard.
Thank you!
Congrats, Stephanie!
Remind me never to eat at your house!
Thank you!
Dark… Very dark.
Too dark for me, but I love dogs! Still, an interesting spin on this challenge.
Thank you