How did I discover that I wanted to be a writer? Stephen Hise asks with a wink and a nod. Well I would have to give some credit to my elementary school 3rd grade teacher who asked all of us to write out a story. My story was good enough to win the class contest and I still have the award somewhere. It says something like this. To the biggest liar in Mrs. Blanks class. I was so proud. I didn’t go any further with this new found skill until college when again I was asked to write a story in one of my classes. I got an A. My first one. “Maybe I was on to something”, I thought and went home and began writing.
Now that I am a published writer, I wish I had started earlier. Maybe after the third grade.
My goal is to write a book a year and perhaps throw in a few short stories and a novella now and then. My second novel was much easier to write, and I think I improved my writing skills a bit. Which is only natural I guess. Maybe I will get better with each one until I can’t lift a pen to write something down. By then we might be able to just dictate our thoughts.
Thanks Stephen for letting me express myself and hope to see all of you sometime in the near future.
Here is a little taste of my new novel Moon Shadow and the cover:
Moon Shadow
When a new and potentially planet-killing contagion is discovered, Moon Shadow, an isolated resort town located in Alaska’s primitive and rugged interior, becomes the focus of a military-style incursion.
Major Pepper, who is in charge of the operation, has the local residents rounded up into a razor-wire inclosed quarantine. Because of the danger of a potential pandemic, they are to be transferred to a more prison-like underground quarantine.
Two of the residents, Trevor, a young physician, and Jodie, an Earth Project environmentalist, are not having any of this obvious violation of human rights. They escape and are hunted down like fugitives with the full arsenal of the US Army at the Major’s disposal. The two have to use a zip line to escape a three-story-burning lodge. When they seek refuge in an abandoned gold mine, the entrance is caved in by a missile strike.
The two fugitives do manage to find a way out of the mine and try to make their way back to civilization and safety by floating down river on a rubber raft. While fighting for their lives against nature and the deranged Major Pepper, the two begin to fall in love with each other. They discover they have more to live for then exposing the Major for his treachery and his murder of innocent civilians for the greater good.
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