Dream Quest One Poetry and Writing Contest

Typewriter - Once upon a timeDream Quest One Poetry and Writing Contest is about showcasing the creative writing and poetic talent, skill and ability of all poets and writers. Entries may be written on a maximum of five pages, either neatly handwritten or typed, single- or double-line spacing, on any subject or theme. Poetry Contest entries may be written on any subject or theme. All poems must be thirty lines or fewer and either neatly handwritten or typed, single- or double-line spacing.

Prizes:  Writing First Prize: $500, 2nd: $250, 3rd: $100. Poetry First Prize: $250, 2nd: $125, 3rd: $50

Reading fee: $10 per short story; $5 per poem

Deadline: January 16, 2013, so get moving!

For more information, please visit their website.

Indies Unlimited is pleased to provide this contest information for the convenience of our readers. We do not, however, endorse this or any contest/competition. Entrants should always research a competition prior to entering.