Flash Fiction Challenge: Rainy Days

NYC rainyIt was another cold, dreary day in the city. The drizzle had washed away the light confection of snow that had fallen during the night.

Benny sighed. Every day was like this to him. Perhaps because it was like this the day he died.

So he stood on the corner, trying to sell umbrellas to passersby. Of course, no one could ever see him. Such is the plight of a spirit among the living. It had been much like this when he was alive. The afterlife had taken on the gray sameness of his life, so Benny didn’t really notice much difference.

Yet, today would be very different…

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High Five – Book Review Blast!

thumbs up rudolphWell how cool is it to get an awesome review? Oh come on, be honest, you want to scream it from the rooftops. Well, here’s your chance to do just that – but please – use your inside voices! There’s no need to shout. Just post a link which goes directly to your favorite review in the comments below. Not all retail sites allow for that, so please limit links to those which do. Here’s an article that will explain how. Follow the instructions below, and you’ll be good to go!

Want to share that awesome review? Just place the following information in the comment section:

1. The name of your book;

2. Your favorite, SHORT one-line quote from the review along with a link that goes directly to the review from a magazine, review site, or retail site; and [If you go nuts, we will edit you. Don’t make us do that.]

3. ONE purchase link to the book. If you use an Amazon link, we can make it all pretty with a book cover for you. If you use a link to a site other than Amazon, sorry, the coding is just too difficult.

So let’s give it a try, shall we? Please make sure to follow the RULES above. Now, go ahead and tell the world about your awesome review. IU is a safe-for-work site. PLEASE do not post links to erotica, religious, or political titles.

Dick Waters Wins Flash Fiction Challenge

Dick Waters is the readers’ choice in this week’s Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge.

The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.

Without further ado, here’s the winning entry:

Continue reading “Dick Waters Wins Flash Fiction Challenge”

Sneak Peek: South

Today we have a sneak peek from the thriller by Lance Charnes: South.

Life is cheap and hard in the America of 2032. Fugitive FBI agent Nora Khaled and her family must escape the detention camps holding over 400,000 American Muslims. Ex-coyote Luis Ojeda must repay a crushing debt to the Pacifico Norte cartel. Luis’ task: lead Nora into civil war-wracked Mexico. But when the FBI accuses Nora of terrorism, Luis learns her real motive for heading south: she has proof that the nation’s recent history is based on a lie that reaches to the government’s highest levels. Success may set Luis – and the truth – free; failure means disappearing into a black-site prison…or a gruesome death for them all.

South is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon UK.

Here is an excerpt from South

Continue reading “Sneak Peek: South”