Featured Service: BookTweeters.com

BookTweeters LogoJust publishing your book isn’t enough… you need to promote it. Whether you are running a promotion for your book, making it free or lowering the price, or your book is at its normal price, BookTweeters.com is here to help you promote your book.

For the past several months, we have worked hard, connecting with authors and readers on Twitter across 5 different accounts, to grow our network of followers. We have over 235,000 followers in our network, and it is growing quickly every day! These are people who want to learn about free books, bargain books, and other books that they may be interested in reading.

BookTweeters.com is run by eBooksHabit.com, who have been bringing free and bargain ebooks to their blog readers and email list for the past couple of years. They have worked with thousands of authors and know that authors just need more people to know about their book.

Twitter is a great medium for reaching out to readers, but the problem is, Tweets can be missed if you are following a lot of people. That is why, each day you purchase a promo for, we tweet it 60 times! Each of the 5 accounts tweets it 12 times throughout the day, when a majority of US readers are awake. If we only tweeted once, someone may miss it in their Twitter stream, so we have it set to tweet your book tweets all day long.

But does it produce sales? We have had repeat orders from customers who loved the results of their first order! We obviously can’t work magic, but if your book is appealing, using our tweet packages to broadcast your book to 235,000+ people many times a day is a great way to boost sales or complement a free or discounted price promotion.

We have many packages to suit your needs, ranging from 1 to 5 days of tweets. The more days you buy, the more you save.

Add us to your list of places to get in touch with for your next promo, or try out our packages today to get more exposure for your book!

Indies Unlimited does not endorse or support any specific providers of  products or services.

LynneQuisition: Authorly.com

Interviews by Lynne CantwellI keep seeing these ads on Facebook, enticing me to make an app, and I keep thinking it might be kind of cool to be one. Wouldn’t it be neat for my fans to be able to pull me up on their smartphones, so they can tell all their friends about me?

But the app builders I’ve seen all seem to be aimed at brick-and-mortar businesses, or else they want to include just a bio and a list of your books. And then there’s the cost. One place I saw charges for uploading your app to places like iTunes – which would seem to be the whole point of the exercise, you know? – as well as a monthly hosting fee.

Authorly.com is an app-building service that is aimed at indie authors. Devika Soni with Authorly has agreed to take a seat in the comfy chair and answer a few questions for us. Continue reading “LynneQuisition: Authorly.com”

Who will be this week’s flash fiction winner

Lightning sign
Flash Fiction Ahead…

It’s time once again for IU readers to select a winner  for this week’s flash fiction challenge.

Remember, the winning entries will all be included in the next edition of the IU Flash Fiction Anthology.

Check out this week’s entries here. Make your decision, then use those share buttons at the bottom of the post to spread the word.

Voting polls close Thursday at 5 PM Pacific time.

Which story do you think should win this week?

  • Kathy Steinemann (36%, 13 Votes)
  • Jon Jefferson (25%, 9 Votes)
  • Avalina Kreska (25%, 9 Votes)
  • Kae Bender (8%, 3 Votes)
  • Annette MatoSka Love (6%, 2 Votes)

Total Voters: 36

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NOTE: Entrants whose submissions exceed the 250 word limit are eliminated from the poll. ONE VOTE PER PERSON, please. Duplicate votes will be deleted. The results displayed above are unofficial until verified by administration.

Get Off Your Duff! 8 Simple Ways to Kick-Start Your Motivation

Donna FasanoEven the King of Just-Do-It, Tony Robbins, must have days where he feels unmotivated. It’s only natural to find yourself in a slump, every now and then — suffering through days where you just don’t feel like doing anything productive. If you find yourself feeling this way, take heart. You’re not alone. I’ve felt the same way. I have found that, if I allow one day to pass where I don’t write, it easily turns into two, and then three. But I have found a few ways to kick-start my motivation. I hope these suggestions help you get off your duff and get moving in the right direction. Continue reading “Get Off Your Duff! 8 Simple Ways to Kick-Start Your Motivation”