Indie Author Day

Indie Author Day LogoNote: This article was supplied by the good folks at Indie Author Day and was posted by IU Staffer Melissa Bowersock.

Considering the ground that indie authors have been gaining over the past decade, it is astonishing to see that, according to a recent report by Library Journal, even though self-published eBooks account for 80 percent of Amazon’s bestseller lists, only 20 percent of libraries carry them. So, how can you be proactive and help to bridge the gap between libraries and the indie writing community? Continue reading “Indie Author Day”

Turning Losing into Winning: The Kindle Scout Experience

FindingTravis3D-2-medWhen I finished my latest book, Finding Travis, a time travel story, I sent it out to beta readers and prepared to self-publish as I always do. But then a friend began broadcasting the news that she had entered her latest book in the Kindle Scout program and was looking for nominations. I remembered that another friend had entered his book in the program months ago, and had won the coveted publishing contract with Amazon. Because I really, really liked this new book of mine, and because I had built up quite a decent fan base, I decided to try Kindle Scout for myself. Continue reading “Turning Losing into Winning: The Kindle Scout Experience”

Indies Unlimited Inspires and Moves Writers Forward

Happy authors at indies unlimited approval-15914_960_720For all of us who blog, I am guessing it’s a common experience. We write a new blog post, we upload it and wait, however patiently or impatiently, for reactions or comments. And we get… nothing.


At Indies Unlimited, we always get comments, sometimes tons of them, and many readers talk about using the information we’ve supplied, but do they? It’s not always easy to know if what we’ve made available has been truly helpful, and/or if that person has applied the information and/or gotten any results from it. For those of us who are paying it forward, we LOVE hearing about your successes. For those of us who have blazed the trail, we LOVE hearing that others were able to follow our path and get where they wanted to go. It’s a phenomenal feeling to know that we have helped someone reach their dream and do what they never thought they could do. After all, we’ve been there. Continue reading “Indies Unlimited Inspires and Moves Writers Forward”

Projecting Your Authorship to the World

project a professional author image We’re writers. Our weapon of choice is words. We use them in ways that evoke emotion, that educate, that take our readers on a fantasy journey, that incite, excite, satisfy, and shock. In order to do this, we must make sure that our words come together in a way that keeps the reader’s interest, that keeps the reader willing to suspend disbelief and go along with us on our odyssey.

Misuse of words and errant typos ain’t gonna cut it. Continue reading “Projecting Your Authorship to the World”