How to Sideload a Kindle

“Well, how do, ma’am. You must be new in town. I’m wonderin’ iffin I could help you up on that thar sidesaddle of yourn. Just put your left foot here in mah hands and I’ll boost you up…”


Oh, sideLOAD, not sideSADDLE. Sorry.

Most of us know that Amazon sends us its Kindle e-books via that rainbow that arcs gently across the sky from Amazon-land to wherever we are, wirelessly, invisibly and oh so easily. But did you know you can also sideload your Kindle? That means transferring files to your Kindle from your computer. Don’t worry; it’s not rocket surgery. It’s actually very easy.

First, take a look at the power cord of your Kindle. (Mine is old, second generation, so yours may look different.) If you’ve never noticed, that fat, fancy plug-in is actually two plugs in one. If you pull off the AC plug, you’ll find underneath a regular USB plug. Plug this end into your computer’s USB port. Your computer should recognize the “new hardware” and will list your Kindle as a drive on your directory tree. (More about this later.) Continue reading “How to Sideload a Kindle”

Like, Fer Shur

Facebook LogoThose of us who waste hours a day on Facebook have a hard time understanding, but apparently there are people who have lives away from their computer, smartphone, or other electronic tether. Maybe … wait a second, a notification just popped up on Facebook. BRB (that’s be right back, for those who aren’t savvy about all these new fangled acronyms).

That Rich Meyer is a funny guy. As I was saying before I got interrupted, maybe some of you are too busy writing to spend much time on Facebook. But you still have a Facebook account and have setup an author page, right? Apparently some of our less Facebook savvy readers (you know, those people I talked about who have a life) want to participate in the periodic Facebook like fests we have at IU, but aren’t sure whether they are “doing it right.” So, in order to put some of those wasted hours to good use, I’m going to show you. Continue reading “Like, Fer Shur”

2013 Update – LinkedIn Profile Tip – Links

LinkedIn is a happening place. Rosanne Dingli explained why authors and businesspeople should be on LinkedIn. You can read her article here. Once you’re on LinkedIn, there are a couple of things you can do to get better exposure. The method many people agree has the most impact is the “links” section.

To add (or spiffy up) your links, go to the profile section of your account. This will take you to the “edit” screen. In the image to the left, you can see at the very bottom right there is a tiny gray rolodex card next to the words “Edit Contact Info.” This is where LinkedIn allows you to supply a maximum of three external links. Many people just put in their http address and leave it at that. But LinkedIn allows you to do something even better – actually describe where the link goes – so there isn’t a bunch of ugly html sitting on your profile. Also, I like the fact that this gives people a clue what they’re clicking. Continue reading “2013 Update – LinkedIn Profile Tip – Links”

Beginner’s Guide To Making An Audiobook

Wouldn’t you like to give your book added appeal? Well, how about creating an audiobook to accompany it? According to my reliable sources, the DIY audiobooks offered as a freebie included with the Kindle book are popular. It’s a sort of loss-leader and attention grabber at the same time. Continue reading “Beginner’s Guide To Making An Audiobook”