Press Release Mania: Reasons to Issue a News Release

Two weeks ago we ran a tutorial on press releases. If you missed that, you can read it here. That article caused quite a stir, and a number of people responded with “Oh, man! I wish I’d had this information when my book came out!” But a new book release is not the only thing … Continue reading “Press Release Mania: Reasons to Issue a News Release”

For the Love of the Book

I read a Facebook post recently where an author was bitterly complaining about the service (yep, that’s the word they used), they were receiving from an administrator at an Indie book site. The service was slow and they weren’t happy that it had taken several weeks to have their book featured. And, just the other … Continue reading “For the Love of the Book”

Roll Up For The Mystery Tour

In this digital age of ours, it is important to grab a share of the vast internet audience of readers who lurk in cyberspace. Of course, we have our regular followers and Facebook friends, yet how can we get out into that big bad internet world, filled with people who haven’t heard of us? What … Continue reading “Roll Up For The Mystery Tour”

How a Novel is Like Flooring

The other day my partner Mark and I put down the flooring in a spiffy new building project in our back yard: an ‘Accessory Dwelling Unit’, or ADU as the city likes to call it. It’s actually a mother-in-law apartment for my parents to use when they decide they can’t hack the Arizona heat and … Continue reading “How a Novel is Like Flooring”