I put these “Meet the Author” features together the way I do for a reason. I like to give a glimpse of the author as a person, their process, and product. Part of it all is putting a face with the name. For me, that makes it more real. However, mild-mannered author Katheryn Lane declined to provide a photo. Knowing what I know about Katheryn, there can only be one reason for this: she’s a superhero. So, for the benefit of advancing the cause, I had our staff artists come up with a likely picture of Katheryn. I assume they got it pretty close, so let’s go with that.
Katheryn writes contemporary ‘sweet’ romance with a lot of plot, but a low heat level. “Even though my first book, The Royal Sheikh is set in the present, I refer to it as being ‘old fashioned’, as it is, in the words of one reviewer, ‘reminiscent of a classical romantic read.’ Many romances that are published nowadays have quite a high heat level and while I don’t disagree with this, I think there’s also a place for romance that closes the bedroom door. Overall, it is the type of romance that you would let your daughter read and you could give your mother (as I did!) without blushing,” she says. Continue reading “Meet the Author: Katheryn Lane”