Author and internet radio personality Monica Brinkman describes her writing style as simplistic, meaningful and speculative in genre. “Allow me to explicate. As a writer, I sought diversity in the content of a tale for focusing on one genre seemed simplistic in nature, while adding a mixture of genre provided a much deeper challenge in my writing. Could I actually compose a story that would hold a reader’s attention without confusion of the story itself?”
Monica says, “I’ve read hundreds of books, yet found so many written using too many unnecessary words. I mean, how many adjectives do you need to get your point across to a reader? Thus, I kept it simpler so anyone who wished to read the book would understand its meaning and content. I am very character driven and chose the adjectives and descriptions so any reader is able to grasp the character, get to know them and be able to relate.”
She finds her inspiration in the world, the people, the injustices in life, the cruelty of mankind. Monica says all she needed to do was look around. Monica asked herself, as most writers probably do, would the readers of the world find the story appealing? Moreover, would it be a story worthy of publication? “To my surprise, not only was it published, it has received high reviews by some of the most critical reviewers,” she says.
Finding the time to dedicate to writing is a challenge for Monica. “As a Site Supervisor, V.P. of our local historical society, wife, painter and author, I must discipline myself to allow time to write and create characters and story. Sometimes I must tell myself to remain patient. This can be difficult when you have characters talking to you in your mind at the most inappropriate moments. You aren’t always able to stop what you are doing and jot down notes.”
Monica says she did join some writers groups but found most to be more negative than positive. It wasn’t until she found the right group that it became a positive experience. She adds, “In fact, the main reason I wrote Karmic Wheel in the style, manner and setting was due to the arrogance of a few beta readers. To me, readers are much more intelligent than the ‘box’ many authors place them. They are open to creativity in writing.”
Monica does not recommend beta readers. She says instead, writers should express their own style, for each is unique. “Be true to yourself. You’ll know if your writing is quality or not.”
Monica says she finds the best marketing tool available is word of mouth; personal touch. She encourages other authors to chat with people, even in line at the grocery store or doctor’s office. She used a marketing group for an author’s tour and found it did not result in higher sales. She says, “You as an author are able to conduct your own tour. If you are independently wealthy, well perhaps marketing will assist, as you will be able to advertise frequently and gain more exposure. For the most part, writers are not rich, so they need to rely on their own skills. Promotion and marketing are unavoidable. Most authors want to write, not spend their time promoting but if you want someone to know your name and read your book, you must take time to do so.”
Monica is host of the “Two Unsynchronized Souls” radio show and has read hundreds of indie authors. “David Cowdery aka Davis Aujourd’hui, has written the Sister Mary Olga Fortitude series, which I recommend highly. Adele Parks with her award winning audio book, Jitters. Some other authors of note are Kenneth Weene’s Memoirs from the Asylum, Oana’s The Healings, Salvatore Buttaci’s Flashing My Shorts and 200 Shorts, Phil Harris’s Waking God series. I could go on and on with the writings of Indie authors.”
Monica says she is also very critical and will toss a book aside should it bore her, but she has not yet had to toss an Indie author’s book. To be fair, Monica hasn’t read my book—so there is still hope. She feels there are some spectacular new authors out there, and sees it as a shame that few of their stories are accessible to the masses.
Her advice to aspiring writers? “Write. Don’t allow self-doubt to interfere with your dream and goals. After all, either you are an author or you are not. If you are a true writer, you have to put pen to paper or hand to keyboard. You are driven to do so. In addition, be true to yourself. Don’t attempt to copy someone else’s style. It won’t work. It must come from your heart and soul. Also, write all the time and submit your stories to magazines and e-zines.”
Monica offers these parting thoughts: “Buy my book. I say this not only because I truly believe you will love it but each purchase helps fund EBMRF, a research foundation currently working on a cure for the rare genetic disease, Epidermolysis Bullosa or E.B., for short. It is killing our children and as it is so rare, the pharmaceutical companies and research institutes do not have it as a priority. And listen in on our radio show. It airs every Thursday evening at 9PM EST. We do the show for our audience and for the authors and love, love, love our supporters.”
Monica’s book, The Turn of the Karmic Wheel is a mixed genre or speculative fiction novel.
It is the story of one weekend in a small college town in Missouri where universal law (which can be God, karma, the universe, whatever your belief), takes hold.
It is character driven as we meet people and get to know their unique traits and place in life. One woman, Angela Frank, psychologist, wife and mother, has been hiding her psychic abilities but soon she will find it is up to her to put the wheel in motion. She is very reluctant to take on this role. Yet spirituality plays a hand in her decision.
Soon, the greedy, self-absorbed, un-caring, greedy individuals will find they can no longer keep up their façade and what lies within their soul revealed for all to see. There is no place to hide.
Without giving the story away, the manner in which each soul is revealed to others can be horrific or compassionate, based on their actions in life.
I hope that you’ll find yourself cheering for the humanitarians and booing at the retched.
It is a story within a story and one that shall remain in your thoughts long after the read.
The Turn of the Karmic Wheel has received 4 & 5 star reviews all around. Monica reports that even the most skeptical of reviewers were pleasantly surprised to find they loved it.Learn more about Monica at her website or blog, and check out her radio program, Six Unsynchronized Souls Radio.
Monica’s book, The Turn of the Karmic Wheel is available from Amazon.
Great interview of a wonderful author. It's wonderful to Monica, her writing advice and honorable mission to help those in need through her art.
None come better than Monica Brinkman! Besides being an excellent author, she is an A-one marketer with her finger on the pulse of the reading public.
A wonderful interview from an author who truly deserves it.
A woman of incomparable sincerity and education.
I join in the praises of Monica Brinkman as author and friend.
Thank you all but I must say without being in such great company with these very talented authors, I would be nothing. It is you who inspire me and keep me on track.
Your books are music to the ears of a reader. I bow before you.