Today we’re pleased to announce the winner of the 10th weekly Flash Fiction competition at Indies Unlimited.
The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.
A total of 115 votes were cast in the contest this week. The winner (with 27% of those votes) is: Contestant #11– Teirrah McNair.
Congratulations to Teirrah, and thanks to everyone who participated – excellent entries! Now, without further ado, (cue symphony) here’s the winning entry:

Dead Stop
by Teirrah McNair
Ingrid held onto the bell for dear life. She came from a long line of Train Bell Aids and the 4003 was her first outing. For as long as she could remember Ingrid had heard stories of her ancestors rising above their lot and doing great things.
“Not just any ole mosquito can do what we do,” the old ones would say.
“Stick your belly out with pride. Hold your antennae high. You’re a Train Bell Aid, a TBA and that’s some kind of special.”
Ingrid could barely sleep that day and hurriedly got her a little bite before getting in gear. She knew timing was everything.
She perked up her antennae to make sure she was pumped to land on that 4003 bell rod right before it hit that final turn. Somehow in her little heart she knew she could guide that locomotive into the station safely.
The tracks vibrated. The scent was right and Ingrid soared upward and circled twice just like she practiced. She smooth landed on the rod and tapped that bell with her antennae. The bell rod was scorching hot and Ingrid’s body bristled, but nothing could stop her from riding the 4003 in. It was her destiny.
Ingrid held onto the bell for dear life. She braced herself as the bell began to ring furiously, slinging her from side to side, then flipping her onto that hot rod as the 4003 skidded to a clean stop.
Battered but beaming with pride, Ingrid shivered hungrily.