She’s not only the co-administrator of Indies Unlimited, she’s also a fan! Kat Brooks looks ready for summer (and a refill of her favorite beverage) with her sporty and stylish Indies Unlimited tee shirt, and her Indies Unlimited mug.
Kat writes, “I love Indies Unlimited. I do. I love it for a number of reasons. But since I can only give one here, I think the main reason is because IU draws people from all over the world – all ages, all walks of life – with one common bond: writing. I’ve been in this industry for a long time. It’s been pretty lonely. So finding this focal point for writers of all genres, of all levels of experience, is truly a gold mine of inspiration and knowledge. I’ve learned from newcomers as well as veterans. And, I feel as if I’m part of a big family. Indies Unlimited is the place to be.”
There’s more to Kat than her slavish devotion to making Indies Unlimited a better place to hang out. In addition to being the author of nine books, she is an award-winning novelist, photographer and poet. Her first novel, Lust for Danger, won Honorable Mention in the Jada Press Book of the Year Awards for Brooks, as well as a spot in the “Next Big Thing” tent at the Baltimore Book Festival in Baltimore, Maryland.
Brooks’ feature articles, poetry, and photography have appeared in magazines, newspapers, books and other publications both in the U.S. and abroad.
In the serenity of her surroundings in Washington State, Brooks devotes her time to writing action-adventure thrillers, romantic suspense novels, and children’s books which promote outdoor learning and literacy.
You can find Brooks’ website at http://www.ksbrooks.com.
Thank you, Kat!
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Now, that is what I call stylin'! 🙂
Stylin' and chillin'. 🙂