Video Trailer: The Royal Wizard

The Royal Wizard The kingdom of Wilderheim stands bastion between the world of humans and the Otherlands. It is ruled as much by people as it is by creatures Other and as such, it must always have a wizard at the right hand of its king. When destinies converge toward an inevitable battle for power, the balance between justice and magic shifts, and the royal wizard and her king get caught in a maelstrom of colliding forces. Nothing is ever as it seems with a trickster hiding in the shadows. When the gods begin to play, mortals tremble…

The Royal Wizard, the fantasy romance by Alianne Donnelly, is available at, Smashwords, and Amazon UK.

Don’t forget, you can cast your vote for trailer of the month on April 26, 2014 at 5 p.m. Pacific time.

Author: Administrators

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3 thoughts on “Video Trailer: The Royal Wizard”

  1. I really liked your trailer! It pulled me right in and got me excited to check out your book! I appear to be a few hours too late to vote; I have no idea who won, but you would have had my vote if I happened to get to my computer 3 hours ago. 🙂

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