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Day: November 19, 2014
Which Flash Fiction Story Gets Your Vote?
It’s Wednesday – that means we need your help – only you can tell us which of these stories should win the honor of Flash Fiction Champion. It’s super easy – choose your favorite and cast your vote below.
Remember, the winning entries will all be included in the next edition of the IU Flash Fiction Anthology.
Check out this week’s entries here. Make your decision, then use those share buttons at the bottom of the post to spread the word.
Voting polls close Thursday at 5 PM Pacific time.
Which SuperDude entry should fly away with honors this week?
- Howard Johnson (38%, 10 Votes)
- Nancy DeCilio Gauthier (31%, 8 Votes)
- AL Kaplan (12%, 3 Votes)
- Chris Stafford (8%, 2 Votes)
- Timothy Wan (8%, 2 Votes)
- Jon Jefferson (4%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 26

NOTE: Entrants whose submissions exceed the 250 word limit are eliminated from the poll. ONE VOTE PER PERSON, please. Duplicate votes will be deleted. The results displayed above are unofficial until verified by administration.
A Treasure Trove of Research Sources for Authors
Guest Post
by Christine Frost
I confess — I’m a digital hoarder. Spending many years in the academic world and being a historical fiction author, I’ve collected a tremendous amount of research. Over the years, I’ve taken notes from countless books to ensure I’m accurately portraying the historical figures, cuisine, and cultures I’m portraying in my writing. It’s easy to get swept up in taking notes. New ideas for the story come with each interesting detail.
There is a delicate balance in historical fiction. In order to be able to move comfortably within the realm of the story you’re creating, the scale of research needed can be huge. The risk for writers is spooling out endless facts in prose just because there were dozens of fascinating details that were discovered in research. While working on my second novel, set in medieval Ireland, I happened to find a book describing everyday life in rural areas. Soot houses dotting the Irish landscape may provide just the right touch of authenticity, but an expository paragraph on their construction and functionality bogs down the narrative and removes the reader from the story. Continue reading “A Treasure Trove of Research Sources for Authors”
November Twitter Fest
Due to complications from a server migration, we had to close comments on this follow-fest. We will re-run this on Wednesday, 11/26/14, so everyone can have a fair shot at getting followed back. Thank you for your patience!
Have you been feeling lonely on Twitter lately? Well, our Jim Devitt wrote a couple of posts which might help you get more eyes on your tweets. Check that out, then come back here and have some fun with the November Twitter Fest.
This is how it works: If you are an author, publisher, publicist, literary agent, book reviewer, (or especially a book-lover), etc., in the comments below, paste in the link for your Twitter Handle. Tweet the link to this post, inviting all your followers to do the same. Make sure you show some love to the handles in the comments above yours, and check back throughout the day to catch up. (Remember: If you right-click the link, you can open it in a new tab so you don’t have to constantly page back and forth.)
This should be fun and should generate a lot of follows for everyone who plays. We’ll kick things off with ours. Let’s get the party started! http://www.twitter.com/IndiesUnlimited.
PLEASE be sure to reciprocate by following those who follow you. This is give and take. If everyone plays by the golden rule, we all benefit.