It’s Wednesday… that means we need you to tell us which of these stories should win Flash Fiction Champion honors. It’s super easy – choose your favorite and cast your vote below.
Remember, the winning entries will all be included in the next edition of the IU Flash Fiction Anthology.
Check out this week’s entries here. Make your decision, then use those share buttons at the bottom of the post to spread the word.
Voting polls close Thursday at 5 PM Pacific time.
Which "Claim Jumper" story was your favorite?
- A. L. Kaplan (35%, 19 Votes)
- M. P. Witwer (31%, 17 Votes)
- Howard Johnson (25%, 14 Votes)
- D L Brown (4%, 2 Votes)
- Jon Jefferson (4%, 2 Votes)
- Aysha (2%, 1 Votes)
- Lottie (0%, 0 Votes)
- Malcolm Campbell (0%, 0 Votes)
- Tommy Tushit (0%, 0 Votes)
- Nathan Rokus (0%, 0 Votes)
- Sharon King (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 55

NOTE: Entrants whose submissions exceed the 250 word limit are eliminated from the poll. ONE VOTE PER PERSON, please. Duplicate votes will be deleted. The results displayed above are unofficial until verified by administration.