Video Trailer: The Cobb Legacy

The Cobb LegacyCagney Nowak is writing a novel around the 1905 shooting death of baseball legend Ty Cobb’s father, William, by his mother a week before Ty was called up by the Detroit Tigers. Although she was acquitted by an all-male jury on the grounds that the incident was accidental, the townspeople of Royston, Georgia, thought otherwise. Gossip had it that Amanda Cobb was having an affair and that William, having told her he was going out of town on business, returned to catch her with her lover.

When Cagney begins to relive the night of the shooting in his dreams, he is led to discover his father’s deepest secret.

The Cobb Legacy, the mystery novel by J. Conrad Guest, is available for purchase through, Amazon UK, and most online booksellers.

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