The Self-Publisher’s Dashboard of Gratitude

aurora-borealis-69221_960_720Ode to the Reader

Twas the night before I uploaded to KDP and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring as my hand hovered over my mouse.
My masterpiece had been edited and formatted with care,
While visions of soaring up Amazon’s rankings floated through the air.

Okay, I’ll stop now.

You know that feeling you get when you check your dashboard and you’ve sold another book, or a reader has borrowed your book through Kindle Unlimited? You know what I’m talking about. It’s that little jolt you receive. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling thousands of books a month or a handful, there’s still some kind of a charge. I can attest to this because I’ve been in both camps. I’ve had months where I’ve sold tens of thousands of books and I’ve had months where the sales barely trickled in. Yes, ‘tis a fickle vocation we find ourselves in, isn’t it. As the jolly season approaches, I find myself in a contemplative mood, and I was wondering – what is that little burst of energy we feel when the numbers increase on our screen? What does it really mean? And, what should we do about it? Continue reading “The Self-Publisher’s Dashboard of Gratitude”

The 2016 Pluto Award

Yellow30 Sci-Fi Review LogoYellow30 Sci-Fi Review has opened submissions for the 2016 Pluto Award. Science fiction, fantasy, and alternate history books with publication dates during 2015 and/or 2016 are eligible. Books must have been reviewed by Yellow30 Sci-Fi Review between November 2015 and October 15, 2016 to be considered. Authors/publishers may submit books for review per the site’s submissions guidelines.

Prizes: A book review, and press releases when the 2016 Pluto Award Nominees are announced.
Deadline: Books must be reviewed by October 15, 2016
Entry fee: Free

For more information and submission guidelines, please visit their website.

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Indies Unlimited is pleased to provide this contest information for the convenience of our readers.  We do not, however, endorse this or any contest/competition.  Entrants should always research a competition prior to entering.

Tagging, discoverability and #ebooks

hashtag for indie authorsAs Indie authors, all the work we do in marketing and promotion goes toward just one thing: discoverability. If readers don’t know our magnum opus exists, how can they buy it?

Sadly, the flip side to that question is how can we make our work more visible?

The stock answer is always ‘social media’, but getting noticed on social media is just as hard as getting your book noticed on Amazon – after all, you are still one amongst millions. Continue reading “Tagging, discoverability and #ebooks”

Print Book Stocking Stuffers

santa prime air print booksDon’t know what to get to stuff all those stockings this year? What could be better than a print book? Paperbacks fit nicely into stockings, don’t they? So go ahead and check out all the bargain print books right here at the Indies Unlimited Print Book Party.

Want to help readers discover some fine indie writing at reasonable prices? Here’s the deal:

If you have a print book available from a major online retailer at $15 or less, follow the instructions below and post your link. If you see one you like, click over and buy it. This feature is only for print editions priced at fifteen dollars and under.

When possible, we replace some of the links with clickable book cover images. Do not attempt to insert an image in comments on your own. Just put the following information in the comment section:

1. Book title and price
2. Author name
3. A short one sentence
book description (140 characters ONLY please)
4. One AMAZON link to purchase the book.

Then let your friends and fans know your book is available here today. Use the share buttons below, or copy the link in the address bar above and share the news on your favorite social media platforms. The more, the merrier, right? So let’s give it a try, shall we? Please make sure to follow the RULES above. Now, go ahead and tell the world about your cheap read.

IU is a safe-for-work site. PLEASE do not post links to erotica, religious, or political books. That’s what the rest of the internet is for.

[Note: if the book cover images below do not display properly, please check your AdBlock settings.]