Is Anybody Staying On Your Facebook Page?

We all spend time posting things to our Facebook Pages and look with excitement at our Insights. Reach, Likes and Talking About This are tantalizing statistics that make us think that we are connecting with others.

The reality is, only about seven percent of your followers see your page on any given day. Continue reading “Is Anybody Staying On Your Facebook Page?”

(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party)

Online launch days are huge fun but they should also result in oodles of sales and, managed properly, may even propel your book up the Amazon charts.

With careful preparation this can be successfully achieved. You’ve spent long enough writing your book, so take extra time to ensure you give it the launch it deserves.

Many people try to tempt people along to a virtual launch by offering outrageously expensive prizes like Kindles or iPads. You don’t need to spend that sort of money to attract attention. Small prizes will do the job equally well. Bookmarks, badges and key rings all go down well. Check out your followers. Many of them have Etsy shops and may be willing to gift you a prize for a mention. Mostly, it’s all about the fun element. Continue reading “(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party)”

Follow up to E-mail Marketing (Or, don’t get your panties in a bunch)

I never knew that e-mail marketing would create such a stir! A couple of weeks ago, I posted an article on e-mail marketing as a part of your overall process to get noticed. You can read about the role of e-mail marketing here.

The comments on this site were all pretty generic and supportive of the process. However, I saw some related posts on other blogs and the basic outcry was, “I would NEVER do that!”

Perhaps some readers did not understand what I was referring to by e-mail marketing. This is NOT the type of e-mail marketing I was referring to: Continue reading “Follow up to E-mail Marketing (Or, don’t get your panties in a bunch)”

Use Bitly to Track URL Traffic and More

You may have used to shorten your URLs into cute little chunks, which let you craft Tweets that maximize the word limit. While this bookmarking site handles that function pretty spiffily, it can also help you track the effectiveness of your content and share links with others.

First, create a bitly profile if you haven’t already. It’s the usual deal: enter a user name and password, put in your e-mail address and verify it. I’ll wait while you do that, because I’m nice that way. Continue reading “Use Bitly to Track URL Traffic and More”