I never knew that e-mail marketing would create such a stir! A couple of weeks ago, I posted an article on e-mail marketing as a part of your overall process to get noticed. You can read about the role of e-mail marketing here.
The comments on this site were all pretty generic and supportive of the process. However, I saw some related posts on other blogs and the basic outcry was, “I would NEVER do that!”
Perhaps some readers did not understand what I was referring to by e-mail marketing. This is NOT the type of e-mail marketing I was referring to:
I was referring to something more like this:

A professional looking, informative e-mail. It may contain excerpts from your WIP, an announcement about an upcoming book signing or a link to your latest podcast.
This is something you might send out three or four times a year or maybe use it to announce a new book release.
The picture to the left is an example of a newsletter for one of my clients (It’s not an author newsletter, I do this author stuff for fun and the gruel that the Evil Mastermind slides underneath the door.)
If you decide that -email marketing is cool for you, here’s another neat way to start collecting e-mails from Facebook visitors to your Page (a couple of weeks ago I showed you how to get e-mails from your blog.) On Facebook, click on the “Home” link in the upper right-hand corner after you’ve logged in. Look for the “App Store,” located about three-quarters of the way down on the left column. Here you’ll find a cool “FREE” app that you can add to your Facebook Page. In the “search for apps” tab, type in “newsletters” and it will pop up.
It’s simple to use and easy to install. You can add graphics and your own text inviting the user to add their e-mail to your list. You can also set up an automatic response thanking them for signing up. If you wish, you could even offer a free download in the thank you e-mail.
This app will appear in the “tab” portion of your header on your FB Page. You might want to post something directing people to sign up for your newsletters. If you decide you want to create a nice e-mail newsletter, you can click here. Constant Contact offers a free 60-day trial and it’s very easy to use. So, now that we’ve all taken a deep breath, how many of you are capturing e-mail on Facebook? If you’ve got a regular following, this app could be a goldmine.
My Pleasure 🙂
Timely as ever, Jim. Just today, I sent my first-ever e-mail newsletter, thanking my handful of subscribers with the cover reveal for my next book. Then, just for fun, I posted on my Facebook wall, “Did ya see the cover reveal for my book? No? Guess you’re not on my email list.” (Muahahaha!)
I’m using MailChimp. Their Facebook plugin was pretty simple to install.
Congrats! Let us know how it goes …