Getting What You Want

Have you ever done something that seemed silly but you really hoped it worked?

I have, and I’m here to tell you all about it. It’s a little embarrassing— admitting that I actually did this and believed in it.

The month before I published my debut novel, The Card, I created a manifestation board. You know, one of those collage type of things that have a bunch of pictures of what you want to accomplish or acquire. You’ve probably heard about them in books or movies like The Secret.

Well, I did it. I cut out a bunch of pictures and words that related to life and my new writing career. The picture is proof. Continue reading “Getting What You Want”

Beating Back the Crowds at My LibraryThing Author Chat

Author Mike Markel

by Mike Markel

A lot of people have been coming up to me on the street, asking me how my Author Chat on LibraryThing went. Well, not actually a lot of people. In fact, nobody. But that’s the good thing about social media tools: instead of just muttering to yourself like a crazy person you can broadcast your mutterings without feeling quite so crazy, although to be honest I think it means you’re crazier or at least more pathetic.

So, I went on to do an Author Chat, which would last a week. My first novel, Big Sick Heart, a police procedural, had recently been published. Also doing an Author Chat at the same time was Samantha Bruce-Benjamin, author of The Art of Devotion, which the critics were calling a haunting debut novel that evokes an age of elegance and grace. I didn’t like any of those words, mostly because I never hear them used in connection with me. Continue reading “Beating Back the Crowds at My LibraryThing Author Chat”

Thank You for Being a Friend

A.K.A Carol Wyer

At school I was never going to be the British equivalent of the Prom Queen but thanks to being the class clown and being able to make people snort with laughter even during lessons (I’ll save how I did that for another time) I had my fair share of friends. I was not however, as popular as blonde haired, perfectly formed Mary Rose, who was admired by every girl in the school, lusted after by every hot blooded male and doted upon by every teacher.

Decades later I find myself in a similar position. No, I have actually managed to pass through school. I am talking about social networking sites, particularly Facebook. I have quite a few friends on Facebook but as far as my fan page goes, well I am not as popular as J K Rowling who has 1,117,211 ‘likes’. In fact I am some way off. Continue reading “Thank You for Being a Friend”

Western Maryland Independent Lit Festival

The Sixth Annual Western Maryland Independent Lit Festival will be hosted at various venues around downtown Frostburg, Maryland. Editors, publishers, writers, and educators of the local literary community will be participating. Journals and presses will display books, submission guidelines, and other promotional materials inside the Lyric Theater. Panel discussions and roundtable sessions include topics on writing and getting published, teachers and students, blogging and new media publishing, using social media for promotion, and craft discussions. The Press Festival is an excellent opportunity for members of the local literary community to meet directly with editors and publishers and learn about writing and publishing.

Dates: Saturday, October 13th from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm

Entry Fee: Free Admission

For more information, please visit their website.

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