Erica Manfred is a freelance journalist, humorous essayist, and author of two self-help books, and one novel, INTERVIEW WITH A JEWISH VAMPIRE, published in 2011. Her non fiction book, He’s History You’re Not: Surviving Divorce After Forty was published by Globe Pequot Press in 2009. Her articles and essays have appeared in Cosmopolitan, The New York Times Magazine, Ms., New Age Journal, Village Voice, Woman’s Day, SELF, Ladies Home Journal, and many other publications.
Erica lives in Woodstock, New York with her Chihuahua, Shadow, and her daughter, Freda. Brought up by Jewish parents who spoke Yiddish but avoided religion, she got her Jewish education at the Woodstock Jewish Congregation which welcomes Jews from all backgrounds, from atheist to Orthodox. Her website is www.ericamanfred.com, or visit www.jewishvampire.com.