Meet the Author: Rebecca Hamilton

Author Rebecca Hamilton

Rebecca Hamilton writes Paranormal Fantasy, Horror, and Literary Fiction. She lives in Florida with her husband and three kids, along with multiple writing personalities that range from morbid to literary. She enjoys dancing with her kids to television show theme songs and would love the beach if it weren’t for the sand. Having a child diagnosed with autism has inspired her to illuminate the world through the eyes of characters who see things differently. To learn more about Autism Spectrum Disorder, please visit their website.

Rebecca says her dedication is her greatest strength. “My writing means a lot to me, and I really put time and attention into all aspects of novel-writing.”

She feels she lacks the self-discipline she’d like to have in approaching some tasks.  “There are some stages in the writing process, such as rewriting, where I tend to procrastinate. I love the results of rewriting, and I am by no means married to my original drafts (since they are so horrible anyway!) but the process of rewriting is overwhelming. I know I need to just do it, but sometimes I procrastinate, which makes projects take longer than I would like.”

Another big challenge for Rebecca is trying to get her writing into the hands of people overseas. “There are people in non-english speaking countries that really want to read my book, and I feel guilty that I can’t make it available to them. Hopefully, in time, I can make that happen. As for how I deal with it, all I can offer is the truth: I’m doing my best to make it available there, but I’m not sure when or if that will be.”

Rebecca describes herself as a twitteraholic. She has a very large following on Twitter, and is very active there. She says, “I meet a lot of people there. Some of them I invite to email me, and I’ve made some amazing friendships that way. It’s great because we can talk about all kinds of things. Sometimes we exchange book recommendations, sometimes we talk about our children, sometimes we just chit chat about anything at all.”

In terms of her interaction with other indies, she feels her membership in several writing groups has been very beneficial. “I also attend the MuseItUp Writers Conference every year. Other than twitter, I use facebook on an almost-never basis (sorry facebook!) and belong to a few other forums that I visit occasionally.”

Rebecca’s impression of the indie author movement is a positive one. “A lot of indie authors have a great attitude toward other writers. They seem to respect all writing and publishing paths, and for that, I respect them. It takes a lot of confidence in yourself to be comfortable with the choices of other people, and maybe that is why indie authors are so fun to be around; that confidence translates friendliness, whereas insecurity might translate to bitterness. I think that’s why indie authors appeal to readers as well. We’re personable and friendly.”

Her advice would to aspiring writers? “Be persistent. Welcome constructive criticism, but ignore negativity (or make light of it!). When you think your manuscript is ready, go over it another dozen times.”

Rebecca’s latest title is The Forever Girl—a full-length Paranormal Fantasy novel that will appeal to lovers of paranormal romance, urban fantasy, witches, vampires, ghosts, paranormal mystery, and paranormal horror.

A Cult. A Murder. A Curse.

Sophia’s family has skeletons, but they aren’t in their graves…

Sophia Parsons’ ancestor was hanged during the Salem Witch Trials, and the body went missing before burial. Solving the mystery might silence the clashing whispers in her mind, but the cult in her town and the supernaturals who secretly reside there are determined to silence her first.

As Sophia unknowingly crosses the line into an elemental world full of vampire-like creatures, shapeshifters, witches, and supernatural grim reapers, she meets Charles, a man who becomes both lover and ally.

But can she trust him?

It’s not until someone nearly kills Sophia that she realizes the only way to unveil the source of her family’s curse: abandon her faith or abandon her humanity. If she wants to survive, she must accept who she is, perform dark magic, and fight to the death for her freedom.

The Forever Girl is available from Amazon US in print or Kindle format. It is available as an eBook from Amazon UK, Barnes and Noble, iTunes, and Kobo.





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