Got a question about Indies Unlimited? Chances are the answers can be found in the IU FAQ page. Absolutely anything you want to know about geology, geometry, astronomy, astrology, theoretical physics, particle beams, particle board, ancient Egyptian architecture, byzantine business practices, skydiving, tap-dancing, classical music, classical sculpture, classical gas, refrigerator repair, advanced gaming systems, full contact chess, kangaroo boxing, jello wrestling, Havarti cheese, the Lost City Of Eldorado, the Cadillac Eldorado, the mating habits of the honey-badger, Abbott and Costello, Martin and Lewis, Hope and Crosby, Burns and Allen, Cheech and Chong, Gilbert and Sullivan, Stiller and Meara, Penn and Teller, Martini and Rossi, prize fights, cock fights, cocktails, or the plight of the endangered typing monkey can be found elsewhere. We recommend Google.