Big Al is the Capo di tutti Capi at two big-time review blogs, BigAl’s Books and Pals and The IndieView. Al came into the spotlight in a major way when Books and Pals became the scene of the notorious Greek Seaman incident. If you really need a lesson about why an author should not attempt to rebut (let alone rebuke) a reviewer, do click the link. I am sure you will find it most instructive.
While I would be willing to bet dollars to navy beans that practically every reviewer out there has experienced an author going off on them because of a bad review, this one is notable because it went viral, and was picked up by media outlets around the world. That is how I first became acquainted with Big Al and his courage under fire.
When Indies Unlimited was brand-spanking new with the one-man crew complement of yours truly, I asked Big Al if he’d be willing to answer a few questions for a series of articles I was doing on what reviewers want. I was pleasantly surprised that he was willing to take the time to work with a newbie blogger running (what was then) a nothing of a blog.
So, he’s not merely a cold-blooded killer, but also an all-around good guy. I am particularly pleased to announce that Big Al is coming aboard Indies Unlimited as a monthly contributor. How did I make that happen? I made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. Please welcome Al to the Indies Unlimited family.
A warm welcome to you, Big Al.
I've just read the Greek Seaman incident (must have missed it first time) and was very surprised things can get that tough for you reviwers. You handled it very well, although it's still a bit sad that things like that happen.
Hi Al. Welcome. I read a bit of the furor. Now I know why I am not a reviewer. We are much nicer here.:-)
I had the urge to clap and cheer at the end of this post and yell 'Big Al…Big Al…' So welcome Big Al. What more need I say?
I remember the Greek Seaman incident very well. Big Al was rather diplomatic. Glad he will be joining Indies Unlimited, he's a cool guy. So a big welcome Big Al…
Thanks everyone. Stephen makes me sound so much better than what I see in the mirror each morning. 🙂
Congratulations to Indies Unlimited! Big Al is awesome!
Welcome, Big Al. Great to have you here.
Thanks Dee and Kat.
Looking forward to your posts Big Al. Welcome 🙂
Thanks Meeks.
Welcome Big Al. I've also read the Greek Seaman incident, and I think you were very kind. I'm not sure if I could have remained so calm. Most Indie authors are trying to make a positve mark;it is a shame when a writer behaves badly. Edit, edit, edit! I am looking forward to your contributions.
Hi Big Al.
Good to see you here. Welcome!
Thanks Aron and Jacqueline.