A contemporary inspirational book that embraces mystery, humor, philosophy and metaphysics to inspire. There is a big invisible world out there with a mystery that watches us, as we make decisions based on pure illusion. We are all perfect creations of God, worthy of unconditional love for ourselves. However, since we live in a constantly negative bombarded world, ultimate self love is challenging, which mischief undoubtedly hinders us from programming our minds to tap into the inexhaustible good.
Do not Force it, TAP THE GOOD, the spiritual self-help book by Jacent M Mpalyenkana is available from Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble. [subscribe2]
Today we have a sneak peek of author Mary Smith’s debut contemporary women’s fiction book, No More Mulberries.
The marriage of British-born Miriam and her Afghan husband, Dr Iqbal is heading for crisis. Ignoring his anger at her attending a medical teaching camp as a translator she hopes time apart may help her understand their problems.
When Miriam takes a journey into her past old friends help her realise her own actions may have damaged her relationship with Iqbal – but is it already too late to save their marriage? No More Mulberries is a story of love, commitment and divided loyalties set in Afghanistan from the time of the Soviets to the rise of Taliban.
Listen to them – the children of the night. What music they make! ~ Bram Stoker, Dracula
Author James Bruno
My most productive writing comes after the sun goes down. Like some manic ghoul, I type madly away, becoming more inspired as the moon rises and the sky blackens. I routinely write until 3:00 am every evening. If I’m on a roll, I’ll stretch it out till 4:00 or 4:30. I come to life at night. Somewhere in the family tree, there’s no doubt vampire blood.
This routine started out as necessity. Working at the State Department or at one of our overseas missions, of course, I was tied to an 8:15-5:30 (more like 8:15-7:00, or later) schedule. Right after dinner, I’d lock myself away and write and get as much in as possible before midnight. On weekends and holidays, I’d let myself go and succumb to my inherent vampire ways. I owe much to Newt Gingrich. His shutting down the government in late ’96 – early ’97 gave me a precious, uninterrupted month to crash on my first novel, Permanent Interests. I also grew a beard and dressed every day like a fugitive from justice. My wife at first was indulgent, then less and less so as my appearance descended into that of a character from Deliverance. Oh, men! Continue reading “Inspired Insomniac: Voices in the Dark by James Bruno”
Cynthia Collins is from Jefferson City, Missouri. She began taking piano lessons at the age of five and had every intention of pursuing a career in music. After graduating from Drury University in Springfield, Missouri with a degree in music theory, her studies continued with a summer in Salzburg, Austria and graduate work in New York.
While working in the performance and administrative sides of the music industry, she realized she was spending much of her spare time watching the ships in New York Harbor. In 2004, she signed up to volunteer at the South Street Seaport Museum and was soon hired to work in the office. She was asked to write about the museum’s ships, and took sail training lessons aboard a nineteenth-century schooner. Her interest in maritime history and historic houses grew along with her responsibilities of writing grants, giving tours, and working with related public programs. She was one of the dockside volunteers for the New York portion of the 2006 Godspeed Sail to commemorate America’s 400th Anniversary, and wrote a five-part series about the schooner Ernestina located in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Continue reading “Featured Author: Cynthia Collins”