Author Eva Caye is pleased to announce the release of her new science fiction romance, Dignity.
Why does Emperor Victor Sinclair fall madly in love with Lady Felicia Sorensen? She is a scientist, and the Emperor has only dated socialites who see him as an icon and a prize. Although he entices her with all the resources at his command, from sexual stimulation and outrageously expensive gowns to promising she can ‘write her own job description’, Felicia cautiously learns the differences between love and manipulation and must choose between toughing out the extreme social and political pressures of becoming Empress, and pursuing her scientific achievements. And Victor finds a way for Felicia to do both!
Amy Dixon at The Geek Girl Project gives Dignity five stars and says: “Dignity, by Eva Caye, is a beautifully written, well-crafted science fiction romance. It is also a fine example of excellent character development, even better relationship development, and world building in the form of a complex interplanetary political and governmental framework.”
Dignity was released on August 29, 2012 and is available on and Amazon UK as an e-book.
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