Sneak Peek: Mr. Pish’s Woodland Adventure

Today we have a sneak peek from author K. S. Brooks’ educational children’s book, Mr. Pish’s Woodland Adventure.

Mr. Pish, the adventurous Jack Russell Terrier, leads readers on an expedition into the forest in Mr. Pish’s Woodland Adventure. With full color photographs and engaging text geared to promote outdoor learning, Mr. Pish shows how easy it is to experience nature no matter where you live. Mr. Pish even teaches kids how to make their own “Great Explorer’s” scrapbook!

Mr. Pish’s Woodland Adventure is the second book in the Mr. Pish Educational Series promoting outdoor learning and literacy. It is available in print and as an eBook from, Amazon UK, Barnes & Noble and other online bookstores.

And now, a page from Mr. Pish’s Woodland Adventure

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