These past few days there’s been a lot of talk about Tumblr. Kat Cantwell wrote an introductory post about it. And our Kat Brooks wrote a tutorial yesterday to show you how easy it is to get up and running. So come on down and join in the Tumblr follow-fest!
This is how it works: If you are an author, publisher, publicist, literary agent, book reviewer, librarian (or especially a book-lover), etc., in the comments below, paste in the link for your Tumblr blog. Make sure you show some love to the blog in the comments above yours, and check back throughout the day to catch up. to get your ID, merely go to your dashboard and copy the link next to the BIG pink arrow in the picture above (i.e. – http://ksbrooks.tumblr.com/).
Click on the person’s link in the comments section below, and you will go to their blog. Then click Follow. (See photo below.)
This should be fun and should generate a lot of exposure for everyone who plays. Let’s get the party started!
Here’s mine:
http://rjcrayton.tumblr.com .
I’ve got to take my children to school, but I’ll be back shortly to follow.
You can also follow Indies Unlimited on Tumblr! Who knew?
I’ll come back to this after I’ve set mine up. Life is too crazy right now with prep for daughter’s bridal shower and tons of company.
ok, here’s mine: jkmikals.tumblr.com
Do you mean: http://jkmikals.tumblr.com? When this comes up I’ll try it.
Yep, it worked. That is if you’re Expat in Panama.
Yes, that’s me! Thanks for posting the corrected link for me.
I set mine up a couple of days ago. Must say, it doesn’t look too user-friendly. I think they must have been aiming for an “intuitive” experience, basically freezing out anyone over 25 *sniff*
Chris, I’m with you. I haven’t been too impressed with it myself but maybe I can reach some of the “younger” crowd and gain some new readers.
I did it! I actually got a Tumblr account set up!
I’m not able to get to your account at all. It is just looping.
I made a second comment right below this one admitting I screwed up the link. I’m am technologically challenged….http://gretakaye.tumblr.com/
Sorry, I put the wrong link:
You selected the same theme as I did! 😀
Great minds think alike! 🙂
I’m back and followed everyone through here. Have a good day folks. Will check back at the end of the day for new adds.
Cool new stuff!
Here’s the address to my writing blog: http://clairevioletthorpesbooks.tumblr.com/
I’m there at http://paul-kater.tumblr.com/ 🙂
A Ghostly Murder mystery with a bit of romance
Here’s mine:
This is fun. I got the basics of my blog site set up last night. Now I need to figure out what to do with it!
Here I am!
I’m new on Tumblr so have mercy on me for the lack of posts! LOL!
Wow, that’s a fancy account!
I second that.
LOL Not really. I already had the pics from my website so just reused them. 🙂
I’ll go get everyone else. Thanks!
Hope I’m not too late! here is my tumblr – will follow you all.
I like your eye for design lol – happy you have another book published! give it time – see what happens.
I could not find a place to follow- check your page design
*ahem* http://ksbrooks.tumblr.com/
I’ve followed everyone who has followed me so far. 🙂
So I am apparently at http://lynnecantwell.tumblr.com. I haven’t really dressed it up yet. Gonna go back and follow all you peeps now…
Late, but here’s mine:
I have so much to learn. Haven’t figured out yet how to do the title or how to get a side panel with photo and text (like Lynne Cantwell was able to do).
Forgot to say I’ve gotten all above me.
And have gotten all below here.
Caught up!
Mine is up but will be getting a make-over soon. http://kathrynctreat.tumblr.com/
OK, I’m all caught up. I followed every single one of you!
Set up a Tumblr account 5 mins ago – phew. Here’s my link
Caught up again!
I might be too late but I followed you all and here’s mine.