Sneak Peek: A Place of Safety

Today we have a sneak peek from author Tamsin Reeves’ psychological thriller, A Place of Safety. Martha is struggling to restore some stability in her life, which has been in turmoil since her husband walked out on the family to join his pregnant girlfriend. She takes in a lodger, an asylum seeker, who fled Afghanistan but … Continue reading “Sneak Peek: A Place of Safety”

How Not to Run a Contest

I’m a good little indie author. Really, I am. I’m working hard on building my backlist. I have a Facebook fan page and a Twitter account, and I post regularly on both. I’m on Goodreads and Shelfari and I’m even on freaking Pinterest. And I have a blog. I’m even pretty good about posting there … Continue reading “How Not to Run a Contest”

NaNoWriMo Triple Double-Dog-Dare Challenge

Well, my observance of National NO Writing Month ended one day into November. I was planning a steadfast boycott of writing this month, per my post here. My plan, however, was foiled by the one thing I can’t say no to: a double-dog-dare. Yes, that’s right. I was double-dog-dared to write not one, not two, … Continue reading “NaNoWriMo Triple Double-Dog-Dare Challenge”

“Friends Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears…”

Got your first author gig? Giving a speech? That first speech or book signing event can be pretty daunting. *Julius Caesar may have been a great statesman and a gifted orator but we are merely authors. We are not practised in such verbal skills. We rarely employ rhetorical irony to win over our listeners (actually, … Continue reading ““Friends Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears…””