K. S. Brooks firing a Sig Sauer 2022 9MM by Richard Kridler
I’m not going to beat a dead horse. I’m going to Riverdance on that carcass. That’s right. Because I don’t bang my own head against a wall anymore. Shooting things is far more rewarding. And productive. And fun.
There’s been a lot of complaining going around lately. Some of it’s good, some of it’s annoying. This past Friday, my buddy Ed McNally wrote a brilliant post. If you missed it, read it here. Ed pointed out how much negative energy was being spent complaining instead of banding together and working towards a common goal. So I shall now add my two cents to the compendium. Continue reading “Flamenco Dancing on a Dead Horse”
Indies Unlimited is proud to announce the addition of traditional-to-indie author John Barlow to our multi-megawatt powerhouse superblog.
John Barlow’s prize-winning fiction and non-fiction has been published by HarperCollins/William Morrow, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 4th Estate and various others in the UK, US, Australia, Russia, Italy, Germany, Spain and Poland.
John was born in West Yorkshire, England, in 1967. He worked as a musician before studying English Literature at Cambridge University and language acquisition at Hull University. After teaching English for several years, he moved to Spain to write full-time, and has been there ever since. He is married to Susana, with whom he has two sons. They currently live in the Galician city of A Coruña.
Apart from writing fiction, he also works as a ghost writer and journalist. He has written for the Washington Post, Slate.com, Penthouse, Departures Magazine and The Big Issue, and he is currently a feature writer for the award-winning food magazine Spain Gourmetour.
Please welcome John to the Indies Unlimited family.
The Dream Quest One Poetry and Writing Contest is open everyone, international to all poets and writers whether published or not, regardless of experience.
Prizes are: First Place – $500.00; Second Place – $250.00; Third Place – $100.00.
There is a $10.00 (US dollars) entry fee per short story submitted and a $5.00 (US dollars) entry fee per poem submitted.
Indies Unlimited is pleased to provide this contest information for the convenience of our readers. We do not, however, endorse this or any contest/competition. Entrants should always research a competition prior to entering. [subscribe2]
Lovely Whitmore is an author, radio show host, and actress. She is a Georgia native, born in Macon Ga raised in Atlanta Ga from age 4 to 17. She went to Booker T Washington Magnet High School. She attended Turner Job Corps, Central Texas College, and Western Governors University. She currently resides in Louisiana.
She is a mother of three and loves sports, reading, chatting, and meeting new people. She says, “I like writing for different genres. My first book was published Jan 2, 2012 it is titled Journals of a Wannabe Basketball Player inspired by my twin daughters who are on the cover of the book.”
Lovely is a basketball enthusiast and says her favorite point guard is Rajon Rondo. “I have his poster on my bedroom wall!”
She also loves music from the 80’s and 90’s and enjoys singing. She says her favorite song is “All I ask of You” by Rafael Sadiq.
Her favorite author is VC Andrews. Lovely says, “I love those books!”
Lovely enjoys writing and aims her material at different audiences from children to adult.
Journals of a Wannabe Basketball Player
by Lovely Whitmore
9 year old Kayla loves the sport of basketball, it’s all she dreams about is becoming a WNBA player. While her twin sister Kela is better at everything basketball is the one thing that Kayla feels is her “thing”. Every day she faces ridicule from her peers, coaches, and even her friends. If she’s gonna play basketball Kayla must overcome some of her most inner secret obstacles.
Kayla was given a journal as a birthday present on her 9th birthday. It is unique in that it’s the only gift she received that her twin sister Kela did not get too. She uses this journal to document her adventures and daily life. All of her most inner secrets are recorded in this journal. Sit back and see the world through the eyes of this ambitious 9 year old as she quickly learns that the real world is full of let downs and disappointments.
Journals of a Wannabe Basketball Player is available from Amazon in print or Kindle format. Check out all of Lovely Whitmore’s titles at her Amazon Author Page.