Congrats to A.V. Carden, the readers’ choice in this week’s Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge.
The winning entry is recognized with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.
Without further ado, here’s the winning story:

Penny for Your Thoughts
by A.V. Carden
I thought the penny landed on a log but two eyes opened as it hit.
Confused and fearful I turned around to see Damian rushing at me. He grasped my wrist painfully.
The realisation he really was a nut job dawned on me. Oh, oh.
“Let go! You’re hurting me!”
I tried to pull away but he held tight and screamed in my face,
“You didn’t do it right. It has to land IN the water and YOU have to jump in after it. You’ve ruined everything! “
His crazed eyes bore into mine as he pushed another coin into my hand.
“This penny is going into the pond and you with it!” he hissed. Damian grabbed me round my middle and lifted me off the ground in a crushing bear hug. He let out a terrifying roar, his face a contorted mask of rage. Racing to the edge of the pond, he readied himself to throw me in.
As I pushed futilely at his face, the penny slipped from my grasp and tipped into his open mouth.
He dropped me and his hands flew to his throat. He stumbled around, eyes bugging, face turning blue, emitting a horrible keening sound. He was choking on the penny!
As he staggered towards me I spun and kicked him hard in the stomach, knocking him off his feet and into the water. Yellow eyes followed as Damian slipped beneath the surface.
“Penny for your thoughts Damian,” I whispered. “ Make a wish.”
Congratulations, A.V.! You had an interesting take on this writing prompt.
Thank you Kathy! 🙂
Wonderful story!
Great Job, AV! Congratulations 🙂