We are pleased to announce the nominations for the Indies Unlimited Excellence Awards are now open.
This is our way of providing recognition to those in the indie community who have given valuable assistance, resources, information, or other support to improve the quality and visibility of indie authors.
Once again, there are no entry fees and no prizes. The finalists and winners will receive handsome, hand-crafted digital plaques commemorating their victory. It is not merely the plaque, but the votes of confidence and thanks behind it that give the award its proper meaning.
Awards will be given in three categories:
Best Book Review Site
We feel book review sites are critical to book discovery. Having a lot of great reviews on your book’s page is nice, but book review sites introduce your book to their followers, giving you a better shot at finding new readers. These sites and reviewers deserve our thanks.
Best Writers’ Resource Site
From writing tips to marketing strategy, there are sites out there that help you get it done. Lots of oases dot the indie savannah. Where are your favorite watering holes? Which sites add value to your day and help make you a better writer?
Best Writers’ Watchdog Site
The web is alive with predators, ready to pounce on unsuspecting and hopeful indies. Thankfully, there are a number of warning and advisory sites out there alerting us to scams, shams, and flim-flams. Which sites do you count on to keep you safe?
1. Nominations are now open and will remain open until 5 PM US Pacific Time on January 31st, 2014. Comments will be closed at that time and no further nominations will be accepted.
2. Indies Unlimited is not eligible for nomination under any category, but the staff of Indies Unlimited who own, manage, or administer other websites, are eligible for nomination, provided those sites meet the category criteria.
3. No self-nominations. If you think you are worthy, do it the old fashioned way and have a friend nominate you.
4. Nominations for each category are to be made by comment on the page designated for the specified category’s nominations. Specific instructions and criteria can be found on those pages.
5. Each person making a nomination may make multiple nominations, but may nominate each site only once.
Click here to proceed to the main nominations page, or use the nominations button at the top of the sidebar. We hope you are as excited about the awards as we are, and we look forward to your enthusiastic participation.
The 10 sites in each category that receive the most nominations by the time the nomination phase has closed will be deemed the finalists in the category, pending verification by Indies Unlimited administration.
Voting to determine the winner for each category will commence at 5 AM US Pacific Time on February 7, 2014, and conclude at 5 PM US Pacific Time on February 21, 2014.
Winners will be determined by dividing the votes received (popularity) by the Alexa global ranking (impartial industry statistics). Alexa is the foremost internet traffic ranking service. A site’s Alexa ranking is an indication of the utility and presence of the site.
Winners for each category will be announced at 5 AM US Pacific Time on February 24, 2014.