Today’s Kindle Audience is now a Discerning eReader

JackieWeger-BioHeadShotGuest Post
by Jackie Weger

With the innovation of the Kindle released by Amazon in 2007, writers rushed headlong into the digital market. Mainstream publishers looked askance at the both the eReader and independent author, so we indie authors pretty much had the innovation to ourselves.

For the first few years, readers were forgiving of our missteps in story construction, formatting, and spelling errors. Early reviews reflect that forgiveness. Readers and writers both had a kind of awe for the innovation. It was new. It was exciting. We were learning new ways to market our work and readers were getting used to enjoying books on a new electronic gadget. Readers did not expect electronic perfection. Continue reading “Today’s Kindle Audience is now a Discerning eReader”

NewsBites: a Mouthful of Chewy Goodness

NewsBitesIt is time once again for NewsBites – a highly irregular feature wherein we search high and low, far and wide, down the street and across the globe for the tastiest tidbits of news in the world of publishing. Sure, you can find better news and you can find faster news, but you won’t find snarkier news anywhere.

Here at Indies Unlimited, we use only the finest, hand-selected organic snark – not because we have to, but because we can. Here is what’s happening outside somewhere: Continue reading “NewsBites: a Mouthful of Chewy Goodness”

How to Check Your eBook Formatting before Pushing the Publish Button

push the button noweBook formatting catastrophes are avoidable – one just has to take the extra steps to check the files before pushing the publish button. I know, I know, you’re excited, and you want to get your book out into the world! But at what cost? Lenore Skomal told us about her eBook formatting calamity. That caused her a lot of heartache, possible loss of readers, and a lot of bad reviews. Don’t let that happen to you. Continue reading “How to Check Your eBook Formatting before Pushing the Publish Button”

Our Lawyers Are Making Us Do This: A Message from CrookTub

no thanksDear…author?

Thank you for the side-splitting laugh we had when our intern Jennifer told us that yet another indie author attempted to submit an order with CrookTub. Unfortunately, the editorial team, that is, Jennifer and Chippy, her robot chipmunk, has not selected your “book” and probably never will.

See, as a book promotion site, we get so darned many of these things. And because of, um, well, we can’t tell you that, at least without a lawyer present, we can only feature 0.1% of indie “books,” but only if they’re by Hugh Howey. We have to satisfy our subscribers’ desires for things that Oprah likes, or else how would we make any money, right? Continue reading “Our Lawyers Are Making Us Do This: A Message from CrookTub”