Rawr! Here are five new releases for you to check out during the blustery days. Beware the ides of March!
Indies Unlimited 2013 Flash Fiction Anthology
51 winning stories from 24 authors from around the world. How can you resist a caveman named Og, or a headsman’s haunted chopping block?
The Indies Unlimited 2013 Flash Fiction Anthology is available through Amazon.com, Smashwords, and Amazon UK.
Netherbrook: Luxury Living in a Private Wilderness
by K. S. Brooks
A book about a house. Because a one-of-a-kind home deserves to have its story told. And there’s no place like Netherbrook.
Netherbrook: Luxury Living in a Private Wilderness is available for free on Smashwords.
Housework Harmony: Building a loving partnership through domestic cooperation by Andrew McAllister, PhD
Shows couples how to cooperate at home like never before, creating a closeness that will spill over into the rest of your relationship.
Housework Harmony is available through Amazon.com and Amazon UK.
Battle for the Afterlife by CJ Davis
When a Navy SEAL arrives in the Afterlife, he’s confronted by a looming war where evil is trying to enslave all the souls in the universe.
Battle for the Afterlife is available at Amazon.com and Amazon UK.
Sky1 – Foundation by William Amerman
When a quarantine is imposed on Nick’s Ground, he and his family are trapped. The only way out is to break laws that carry a penalty of death.
Sky1 – Foundation is available at Amazon.com, Smashwords, and Amazon UK.
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