It’s been a while since we’ve done an Author Central page like-fest. Don’t have an Author Central page? Oh! The humanity! Here’s how to make one. It’s free. Don’t be the last one to have one, for crying out loud.
Just put the link to your Author Central page from Amazon in the comment section below, and people will click over and give you a nice, reassuring like.
[Don’t forget, if you right-click the links, you can choose to have them open in a separate tab so you don’t have to worry about navigating back and forth to pages.]
Please submit ONE AUTHOR PAGE only.
For anyone who has ethical issues with giving a like to an author they haven’t read, that’s fine. We don’t see likes as equating to an endorsement though. We regard likes as more analogous to a “high five” than a rating or review. We do not support the idea of rating or reviewing a book you have never read.
As a matter of good form, if you do put your link in so other people can like your page, do take the trouble to like the others. Don’t be “that guy.” Here’s one to get you kicked off:
The Evil Mastermind and our host, five-star author Stephen Hise: http://www.amazon.com/Stephen-Hise/e/B004WG3JG0/ Like him!!!!