The Dream Quest One Poetry & Writing Contest

DreamQuestOne120x120 gif~originalOpen to anyone who enjoys expressing innermost thoughts & feelings into the beautiful literary art of poetry or writing a story that’s worth telling everyone! Write a poem, 30 lines or fewer on any subject and/or write a short story, 5 pages maximum length, on any theme for a chance to win cash prizes totaling $1275.00. Multiple and simultaneous poems and short story entries are accepted. Writing Prizes: 1st $500, 2nd $250, 3rd $100. Poetry Prizes: 1st $250, 2nd $125, 3rd $50. Entry fees: $5 per poem/$10 per story.

Visit for details on how to enter!

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Featured Book: The Copy

The Copy by Grant BoshoffThe Copy
by Grant Boshoff
Categories: legal thriller
Available on and Amazon UK

The Copy tells the story of an ambitious geneticist who comes to the misguided conclusion that cloning himself will help balance his career and crumbling marriage and family life. But things take a dark turn as the two’s moral compasses diverge, resulting in one dead and the other on trial for murder.

Create an Author Holiday Card to Help Connect with Readers

holiday_card_image_words_cropped_smallIf you’re the type of person who sends a spiffy holiday card and newsletter to your family and friends, you may be the kind of author who wants to do the same to your fans.

As a person, I am definitely all-in on the holiday card and catching-up newsletter. We do a picture (in a costume of some sort), a website and a brief summary of the excitement of the year. Lots of fun for family and friends who want to catch up.

So, how do you translate this to your author persona? Simple. Do the same thing, only author-related and send it to your newsletter subscribers. It’s a chance for you to connect with fans in a way that they normally connect with friends and family. Therefore, we want it to be similar to what we’d send to friends and family. Continue reading “Create an Author Holiday Card to Help Connect with Readers”