Just last week, our Lynne Cantwell wrote about how many of us aren’t really finding a use for LinkedIn anymore. Maybe if we made some new connections, we could show each other a thing or two. So come on down and join in the LinkedIn like-fest!
This is how it works: If you are an author, publisher, publicist, literary agent, book reviewer, librarian (or especially a book-lover), etc., in the comments below, paste in the link for your LinkedIn profile. Make sure you show some love to the profiles in the comments above yours, and check back throughout the day to catch up. to get your ID, merely go to your profile and copy the link next to the BIG pink arrow in the picture above (i.e. – http://www.linkedin.com/in/authorksbrooks).
Click on the person’s link in the comments section below, and you will go to their profile. (Remember, if you right click on the link and open it into a new tab, that will eliminate the need to click back over and over.) Then click CONNECT. (See photo below.)
This should be fun and should generate a lot of exposure for everyone who plays. Let’s get the party started!
Good morning – here is my link. Looking forward to connecting with new contacts, though connected with many here already. Thank you.
Sounds like a fun party! Here’s my link and looking forward to connecting:)
http://www.linkedin.com/in/innerchildartwork I believe this is it.. it will be great to connect with everyone!
LinkedIn is JUST not letting me connect with you without your email address. If you’d like to e-mail it to me at withangelswings @ gmail.com I’ll get us connected…unless you can connect us at your end. 🙂
Stephanie, if you choose “friend” in the drop down it will work.
I tried that for Jacqueline, and it STILL asked for her e-mail address. So I said she was a colleague on my book, and it allowed that. But then when I moved on to Annette, it didn’t even give me the option to choose friend. It just asked for her e-mail address.
Hmmm, that’s odd. I’ve never had that happen. 🙁
Here’s mine. Thanks. https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=67542642
thank you for connecting!
I like this idea, thanks… here’s mine… https://www.linkedin.com/profile/public-profile-settings?trk=prof-edit-edit-public_profile
Vicky this link takes me to my own.
Me, too
Me too!
Vicki came up as a suggested connection for me. Here is her profile:
Looking forward to some great new connections! 🙂
The more the merrier;)
Happy Wednesday to you. Here’s my link.
Here’s me:
Welcome everyone.
Morning all!
Here is my LinkedIn link! Have a great week!
Patrick, your link isn’t working. ??
how bout this?
It says “profile not found”.
OK…I changed the name of it…see if this works?
Perfect. 🙂
Great! Found the magic trick!
I’d love to finds some new connections. Happy Wednesday!
https://www.linkedin.com/pub/jacquel-chrissy-c-may/a9/b74/962 (I’m just learning how to use this site, so it’s quite bare.
Hi Jacquel, if you need any help, we have some articles about Linkedin profiles – https://indiesunlimited.com/tag/linkedin/ Some of them are rather old, so if you notice any big differences, please let me know. Thanks!
Invited all those above who are not already Connections
Mine is http://www.linkedin.com/in/mckell/
Great idea! I’m looking forward to making some new Linkedin friends. Here’s mine: http://www.linkedin.com/in/nanmcadam/