Pam describes her writing style as very informal and conversational. She is economical with words, using description to place her characters firmly in a setting or environment and to set the mood, but she uses dialogue to move the story forward. Pam says, “My writing is rather dark, with flashes of humor, sarcasm and irony. My characters are frequently from the fringe, rather than the mainstream of society, and tend to be Byronic, usually flawed and self-destructive.”
Pam says most of her stories and books are based on some true fact or story that intrigued her. “For instance, I once read a letter sent to a county office from an angry, older gentleman who had been pulled over for driving in the mountains, in icy conditions, without tire chains. They were also conducting a drunken driving sweep at the time. The breathalyzer had quit working so one of the officers took him into town to be tested, leaving his wife with their truck and RV at the side of the road in a snowstorm. He passed the test and was released and had to find a ride back. He later learned that because of the DUI arrest, even though he was not charged, he had to post a bond each time he took his commercial fishing ship into Canadian waters.” Yeah, I remember that. Bad night. Continue reading “Meet the Author: Pam Bainbridge-Cowan”