When I published Interview with a Jewish Vampire I thought it would be easy to promote. After all, it was a funny book about old Jewish ladies becoming vampires. Jews are big readers, right. All I had to do was find the Jewish, and specifically old Jewish lady, audience. Since I was one of them I figured it wouldn’t be too hard. Ha! Promoting fiction is hard, niche or no.
When the book came out I needed a kick start so I hired Wendy, a Jewish publicist. She was recommended by a colleague who wound up very pleased with her services. Wendy sent out a press release to her Jewish list and contacted five “influencers” as she called them for $500 which she said was a big bargain. She usually charges a lot more to do publicity, which I don’t doubt since I know a publicist who charges thousands PER MONTH. What was I thinking??? $500. That’s a huge amount of money for me with no guarantee of anything. Continue reading “My Jewish Journey—Promoting to a Niche Audience by Erica Manfred”