Save Time Managing Twitter with

Pick Me!!

So many different gimmicks out there are supposed to make your social media marketing easier. Many times, they just become a time-suck. Twitter is one of those invaluable tools, you can’t live with it and you can’t live without it. When I look at the statistics on my blog, Twitter is the number one referrer to my site. With that being said, it’s very difficult to monitor Twitter beyond the e-mails that you receive that tell you that you have a new follower.

How many of you know who your top supporters are in your Twitter community? How about the top influencers? Continue reading “Save Time Managing Twitter with”

Flash Fiction Challenge: Curiosity

Photo by K.S. Brooks

I could see the cooling towers ahead. I had made it to within sight of my objective, but I was not undetected. I saw the unmarked white security truck barreling toward my position.

I didn’t know whether they’d just turn me back or take me in for questioning. Maybe they’d shoot first and ask questions later.

I had passed several sets of warning signs, proceeding onward against my better judgment, but I had to know. Like everyone else, I’d knew the “official” story. I’d also heard some wild rumors, but something drove me to find out what goes on back here. I have to know for myself, see with my own eyes what they do at Indies Unlimited. Continue reading “Flash Fiction Challenge: Curiosity”

2012 Anniversary Special

Yes, it’s been a whole, entire year since the Evil Mastermind launched Indies Unlimited. You just may be wondering exactly how this all came to be. Well, a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… Aw, never mind. Just watch the video. It will tell you everything you need to know.

Stay tuned for more cool things coming soon from Indies Unlimited. We’ve got big plans. We’ll be announcing some of them in the next couple of weeks, so don’t go anywhere. And, thanks for joining us here. Without you…well, we’re glad you’re here. Thanks for helping to make Indies Unlimited’s first year a big success.

From Me to IU

Dearest IU (and all IU readers/fans/idolaters)

Since my brain is missing the part that generates imagination, wit, and style, I’m going to make this very, very short, but very, very sweet. I can’t let this auspicious day go by without saying a few words, so if you were thinking about making a quick cuppa or taking a pee break, then now’s the time to do it, and then you’ll miss this. Continue reading “From Me to IU”