Congrats to Sara Stark, the readers’ choice in this week’s Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge.
The winning entry is recognized with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.
Without further ado, here’s the winning story:

Bit of a Poke
by Sara Stark
“For Christ’s sake, Eric, as if this old heap isn’t bad enough, the steering wheel’s on the wrong side,” Fiona said. “What could possibly have possessed you to buy it?”
“The seller told me a great story.” Eric smiled the smile, the one that, long ago, had beguiled her into marrying him. “Get this. All thirteen owners died, uncannie like. Murdered.”
“And dunderheid that you be, you believed him. I dinnae ken what gets into you sometimes.”
“The original awner, a guy named Bill from Kansas, well, his wee wife shot him the day he brung it home. Apparently ol’ Bill was giving his secretary a bit of a poke on the side.”
Fiona felt her face burn.
“The seller swears a brollachan possesses this here motorcar. Swears it pops out every now and again and enters a human’s body. Poor awners always seems to get the warst of it.”
She clenched her fists, digging her nails into her palms. “Really?”
“The second awner, another damn American looking to live in the Highlands, brung it over and, get this, he ended up being killt by an axe murderer. In the garage. Right beside it. It’s wickit. A brollachan makes sense.” He smiled again, darker this time. “And the murderers either weren’t caught or convicted.”
“So why the f– Why would you buy it, you eeejit?” She watched Eric’s eyes go dark, then glow red.
“Did I forget to tell you, you unfaithful cow, I put the car in your name?”
Good one. 😀
Congratulations! Great story! 🙂
lol – what a great twist!