Book Brief: The Cellar

The Cellar: A Post-Apocalyptic NovellaThe Cellar
by Richard Dela Cruz
Genre: Post-Apocalyptic/Sci-Fi
22,000 words

A hundred years after The Event, the earth has become a vast, barren wasteland. In this dying world, seventeen-year-old Daren is the sole hunter for his village. But food is scarce, and it’s only a matter of time before they all die of hunger or worse…until he discovers a can of beans, new and pristine, as if fresh from a factory. Where did it come from? And will he discover its source in time to save his people?

The Cellar is available at, Smashwords, Amazon UK, and most online retailers.

Richard, how did you come up with the title for your book? Does it have any special meaning?
I chose The Cellar as the title because I wanted it to be simple, cryptic, and intriguing. It doesn’t give away much and makes you curious enough to take a crack at the book.

Who was your favorite character and why?
I like Lara because she’s smart and resourceful. And for a girl who grew up in a somber wasteland, she manages to project a great personality with an ample amount of cuteness.

Does your book have any underlying theme, message, or moral?
To be honest, I never really set out to go for any specific message or theme. Foremost in my mind was to tell a good story. But it’s quite likely I might have inserted a theme in there subconsciously, and I’ll leave it to the reader to discover it.

What would/could a reader or reviewer say about this book that shows they “get” you as an author?
If a reader appreciates the surprising twist in the end and the nice little quirks I gave my characters I can safely say that they totally get my style.

Give us an excerpted quote from your favorite review of this book:
“This is a wonderful novella! Its compelling story line is inspired, and contains surprising twists and memorable characters. I encourage this author to continue this saga as a full novel.”

Where can people learn more about your writing?

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