In my first post on this blog, I said I would be adding co-bloggers when I had saved up enough money for more duct tape and chloroform. Santa works in mysterious ways.
I am very pleased to announce that my good friend and very accomplished author K.S. Brooks will be joining me here on Indies Unlimited as a co-blogger.
Kat is a seasoned veteran author who can speak to traditional, indie small house and self publishing scenarios, as well as marketing and other facets of being an independent author. She is smart, funny, witty, wise and accomplished. All that and a bag of chips.
I am very happy to have the gravitas Kat will bring to offset my uh—let’s just say “different” style. Shut up.
Indies Unlimited will now be better positioned to bring you news and views from around the world of publishing. Look for some changes to the site as we add more features and content.
I wanted you to be the first to hear the great news. I will go down and break the news to Kat when the chloroform wears off.
Welcome to Indies Unlimited, Kat!
Whoa…what happened? I went to sleep single and woke up a co-blogger? Hmmmm…you realize I'm commitment-phobic, right?
Well, it's a pleasure for me to be here. Hopefully everyone else will feel the same way. 🙂
It puts the lotion on its skin…
I look forward to the awesomeness. (Sleeping with one eye open.)
I know, right? 🙂
Does this mean Steve has to behave?
Yay KS! 🙂
Oh my Nancy, I don't know if I have ANY control over that! 🙂
I always behave, I'm just not always well-behaved. *wink*
Brilliant – double enjoyment here now.
Thank you Carol. 🙂
Thank you Carol!
Woot! Congrats, Kat!!!
Thanks Nicole. I'm getting my fingers ready for some blogging over here! 🙂