As my Dad used to tell me about recruiting quality staff, “If you can line up a clean shot, take the shot.”
We are happy to announce that KD Rush is joining the Indies Unlimited crew as a regular contributing author. He is currently working on several short stories as well as his debut novel, The Guild Inc., a supernatural thriller.
KD’ s monthly column, “The Learning Curve” will be all about his adventures in the pursuit of his lifelong dream of becoming an author. Imagine thatβa column for aspiring authors actually written by an aspiring author.
He is a South Carolina native, born and raised in a small town just south of Charlotte, NC. He is a husband, father, animal lover, motorcyclist, and avid reader. He also holds a bachelors degree in Information Technology.
Be sure to check out KD’s website at http://KDRush.com
Please give a warm Indies Unlimited welcome to the amazing KD Rush!
Welcome aboard, son of the Carolinas…wait, *South* Carolina? Put 'em up! π
Of course I had to go get one of your books as soon as I realized you were in the Carolinas…even if it is NC. Still, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt.
Thanks Ed!
An absolutely magnificent addition to your team!
KD is an excellent writer and leads the way for all of us who are newbies in the writer world.
This site just gets better and better!
Thanks Jo-Anne! Not sure about leading the way…you're apt to trip over me most of the time. π
But I do appreciate the kind words. Let's just hope I don't say anything too stupid, or if I do, make them wonder if it's intentional. π
I only hope that this motley crew doesn't corrupt one of the few decent humans I know. π
Don't worry, JD – I'll be okay. π
There are very few people in the world that could possibly wield the power to corrupt me. Sadly, you are one of them. I could get into soo much trouble here. Stephen may have to edit my posts. π
We'll be newbies together. π
Yeah! Newbies of the world (word) unite!
Welcome Mr Rush. Good to have another lunati…. I mean excellent writer onboard.
Thanks sir, much appreciated…I think. π
Welcome aboard KD! Glad to have you here.
Thank you KS! We appreciate all the 'behind the scenes' stuff you do around here.
Aw, thanks K.D.! I appreciate that you appreciate that! π
I appreciate that you appreciate that he appreciates it. And I also appreciate it.
And David, I appreciate that you appreciate that she appreciates my appreciation. It's starting to feel like home already.
A warm Indies Unlimited welcome means cold gruel and a hard seat. So I'm not giving you one of those. I'm giving you a genuine CathyS warm welcome – that's virtual slaps on the back and a hug or two. Welcome!!!
I love virtual hugs and slaps, often at the same time. Though I'm also partial to cold gruel. Thank you for the warm welcome Cathy!
Great news to hear you have the great KD Rush with you! If this guy were any more laid back, he'd fall over! (I know, it's an old gag – sorry)
In addition to being seriously cool, KD is also an excellent judge of new literay talent!
Thanks Chris. The secret to being laid back and mellow? http://goo.gl/zZebw
Two dozen a week and you'll find that sleep is overrated. π
Welcome, KD. I'm looking forward to your contributions.
Diane, thanks so much for stopping by to welcome me! It's great to see all my social network friends here.