Hell may have just frozen over. Either that or I’m asleep and dreaming. In case of the latter, please don’t wake me. Just let me enjoy the winning lottery ticket for a few minutes more.
When Stephen Hise tracked me down, he threw out an offer that I couldn’t possibly refuse; my own column here at Indies Unlimited, one of the best blogs on the net. To say that this is an honor would be an understatement. In fact, there really aren’t any words that could adequately express how privileged I feel to be included in the same company as the talented staff here at IU.
Even so, and I have to be honest, there was some hesitation on my part. It took a great deal of effort not to immediately jump at this opportunity. I am not an author, yet. My credentials as a writer are lackluster at best, and downright poor compared with the amazing array of talent that Stephen has assembled here. What could I possibly have to offer? Before giving an answer, I had to ask myself a few hard questions.
Stephen, being the gracious person that he is, understood and asked me to think about it. In truth, I did little else for the rest of that day.
The idea of sharing a blog with these bona fide authors’ was scary enough, but there were other considerations as well, not the least of which happens to be a time issue. Anyone that maintains their own blog and other social media outlets such as Twitter, Facebook, Google +, and others while trying to write a novel will understand what I mean. Time is a precious commodity. There was also the credibility factor to consider.
What could I possibly contribute to a site that already had a stable of authors that would make a publisher drool? I’ve no books to promote, other than the ones that I read and like to share. My own book is so far down the publishing road that I haven’t even encountered the tunnel yet, let alone the light at the end. Then it occurred to me. There is something that I could offer to this community.
My dream, the waking one that I’ve lived with for most of my life, is to write a book. When I finally made the decision to pursue that passion last year I also chose to document the process on my website. In essence, it’s a novice writers guide, filled with black holes and pitfalls that I’ve run across. There have also been a few successes along the way as well.
I reached out to Stephen the next day with my idea. He liked it so much that he even came up with the perfect title for the column, The Learning Curve with KD Rush.
The goal of the column will be simple. I’m not here to teach anyone how to write; hard to do when I have so much to learn. What I can do is help inspire the aspiring authors’ with my story. And hey, if writing isn’t your thing, then perhaps I can inspire you to get off the couch and follow your dream.
If by chance your secret passion is to become a published author one day, then I’m going to show you what does and does not work, at least for me. You will have a ringside seat, a window into my world. I’ll take you through it every step of the way, throwing out writing and marketing tips that I’ve spent months researching and putting to use. For new writers, I’ll try to save you a ton of wasted time and frustration.
For those who need some marketing help, I’m here for you too. When someone searches for your name on Google, Bing or Yahoo, how much of you appears on the main page? If you don’t take up the whole search page, then this column will be for you as well.
Thankfully, Stephen has allowed me to post on a monthly basis, so that takes care of the time constraint issue. Think of it as a work release program, without the chains and crappy prison food. I’m not quite an inmate yet, still have that book to write and all, but I will get there. And more importantly, you can too.
If there’s one universal truth that I’ve discovered about the indie author community, it would be this – Almost everyone is willing to help you succeed.
The only limitation that Stephen asked of me was that I keep the content clean for a PG13 audience. You will of course note that I started this bio off with a curse word. I’m just rebellious that way.
If you want to be a writer, then you should develop that same attitude. Your family may not believe in you; your friends may tell you what a fool you are, while others will try to stand in your way. You can continue sitting on the couch eating Cheetos, or you can take that first step and create a world of your own. I’ll be right there with you my friend.
* * * * *
K.D. Rush is a Contributing Author for Indies Unlimited. He is currently working on a book of short stories, as well as his debut novel, The Guild Inc., a supernatural thriller. For more information please see the IU Bio page and visit his website: http://KDRush.com or find him on Twitter @KD_Rush.
Smashing post, KD, well done. I'm convinced a lot of beginning writers will gain hugely from sharing your journey with you. Good luck, and don't stop doing what you're doing.
Thanks Chris. You are one of those that inspire me, and having you drop by the site encourages me more than you will ever know.
One of the best parts about the indie community is getting the opportunity to meet, share and learn with others. For me, it's the adventure of a lifetime. If I am able to help someone else while on my own journey, then it would be a privilege to do so.
We are all an a learning curve, KD. I am confident that you will show us things we have not thought of or need to think about more. And i am right there beside you as far as not knowing if what I have to offer has relevance but who can throw away an opportunity like this? Just look at our title. It says 'unlimited'. So let's stretch our limits.
Yvonne, there's no doubt that many of the things I've learned about writing are old school for most authors. In fact, much of my knowledge is a conglomeration of hundreds of blogs and articles written by other authors. The best I can offer is a summary of what I've found that works for me.
Hopefully it will have relevance to those that have recently embarked on their writing journey. My boat may not be far from the shore, but I've already hit a few rough waves. This column may not be able to teach the new writer how to walk on water, but if nothing else, I can show them which direction they need to paddle.
Unlimited is such a great word. I believe we all have that much potential. And, I might add, it's a pleasure and learning experience following the boats of talented people such as yourself.
Great post Rush! I'm stoked you're joining us here. I don't know anyone who is as unselfish is promoting authors they believe in as you. You will be a great addition to the team.
But…uh…Hise didn't mention the chains and gruel???
Thanks JD! Hise made it clear that the chains and gruel were only for the inmates. Since I'm on a work-release program, my job is to clean up the cells while you guys are chowing down on the mystery meat of the day.
Speaking of cleaning up, we should probably not talk about some of the things that I found under your mattress. Hise would not approve.
You are already an inspiration for me, KD. You are so supportive of other writers, you have a unique perspective on writing and the kicker is you have a wonderfully generous spirit!
This is a perfect first post – I know I'm going to learn a lot from your column and have many of those 'ah ha' moments that help to reshape issues and spur me on to taking a new approach.
Thanks Jo-Anne! I'm humbled. It's the internal procrastination that has been the biggest roadblock to writing.
Perhaps the only things I have going for me are the stubborn streak inherited from my mother, and the energy level that my wife instills in me. Once I start something, I can't rest until it's done.
Hopefully someone out there will come across this column in a week, a month, or a year from now and think to themselves, 'I can do that' – then, it will all be worth it.
You are well on your way though. While I may be able to guide someone on the process, there must be some innate talent. You have that in abundance. I'll learn as much from you as you do from me, on that's there's no doubt.
Welcome, K.D.
" … a stable of authors that would make publishers drool."
I like that, K.D. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Good luck writing!
Thanks L.A.! Not getting much done today I'm afraid. These weekend projects for work are eating away my time. If only I had a million friends that would loan me a quarter… 😉
It's great to be here, especially in such auspicious company.
Yes, I can't wait for this column. I can already tell it's gonna be exceptional. You have an easy, laconic style that's gonna be perfect for it, my friend.
I understand all about procrastination. Allied with an annoying streak of perfectionism, it's my own biggest impediment to the writing process. Thankfully I also share your stubbornness.
Thanks David! We would seem to share a few traits. Love your humor. Between JD and yourself, some of those posts you guys make have me smiling at odd times throughout the week.
I'm very much looking forward to sharing web space with ya.
Thanks for a great post, KD. I can relate to you and David about the procrastination thing. It's deadly. But I have been inspired by the writers here on IU and on LinkedIn and am doing much more to finalize some manuscripts. Thanks to you all. KD, your last paragraph reminded me of the gist of one of the manuscripts I am now putting the finishing touches on – how often it is those we should be encouraged by who oppose us. We must not listen if our heart tells us there is a book inside just itching to be written. If we have a dream, that dream was meant to be realized. Just keep dreaming and writing and it will happen.
Diane, thank you for stopping by to comment! I agree with you about following your dream. If more people did that, what an interesting and wonderful world it would be.
Looking forward to a post from you announcing that your latest manuscript is available through Amazon. Stay steady my friend.
Well done KD,
like Chris James above said, many first time authors will gain a lot from you’re learning experiance also! I think it is a fabulous post, I love you’re wit and humour too! I lookforward to reading more of you’re great posts each month.I am also still learning KD, yes I have wrote a couple of books, but my goodness did I make some fundamental mistakes with my first book! I think writing is a continuous journey of learning for beginners right through to the old hands!!! There is always much to learn. I think it’s a great idea what you are doing, I could of done with some of that advice when I was writing my first book… So I for one will be a regular visitor 🙂
Wow… I am reading your book right now. The indie community is like none other. Thank you for the kind words Dawn, I really appreciate that!
I love reading/posting comments and the whole interaction with cyberpeeps. It makes a dull day sparkle. Not the vampire kind of sparkle though, that's just silly.
Regardless, it's nice to read a book where the monsters are the ones you would least expect. It's very moving.
Welcome KD, I'm pumped that you have joined IU. I love where you are coming from and you will surely help a lot of people, including myself. Hope you don't wait another month for the next post. You have exactly what most everyone out there needs. Honest, no bull approach to this business. Best of luck!
Thanks Jim! There's a lot to learn, but the curve isn't as steep when you surround yourself with talented people. I feel safely cocooned here.
You make an excellent point. This is a business. At least that's what I plan to tell the accountant next month. Hopefully he won't laugh like the lawyer did.
I can already tell that your posts are going to be high on my favorites list (along with David & K.S.).
Thanks Donna! Bikers gotta stick together. 😉
Aw, thanks Donna!