We are pleased to announce the release of the latest title in the indispensable Indies Unlimited collection:Tutorials and Tools for Prospering in a Digital World.
Whether you are an author wanting to expand your book’s market or an entrepreneur selling candy-coated knitting baskets, you will benefit from an enhanced social media presence.
This volume contains 62 tips and tutorials from fourteen authors with a dash of humor. The award-winning and best-selling multi-national staff of Indies Unlimited brings you the ultimate guide for slapping social media into submission.
In Tutorials and Tools for Prospering in a Digital World you’ll find step-by-step instructional tutorials for everything from Facebook to Twitter to Amazon.com to making free video commercials for your book or other products, and handy tips for authors on necessities like branding, beta readers, book covers, book signings, press releases and more.
Knowledge is power. Fish is brain food. If you don’t have fish, you should at least have the Indies Unlimited Tutorials and Tools for Prospering in a Digital World Volume I. It smells way better than fish, and doesn’t require refrigeration. How can you go wrong?
Compiled and edited by K.S. Brooks, foreword by Stephen Hise. Written by K.S. Brooks, Laurie Boris, Lynne Cantwell, Jim Devitt, Yvonne Hertzberger, Al Kunz, L.A. Lewandowski, M. Edward McNally, Rich Meyer, Melissa Pearl, Kathy Rowe, Cathy Speight, Carolyn Steele and Carol Wyer.
Available now from Amazon US and Amazon UK. Don’t be the last writer on the planet without one.
You guys are just so cool and clever and helpful and amazing! 🙂
Good idea 🙂
Will this be released in other (non-Amazon) formats? If it is, I can read it anywhere. If not, I can only read it at my home-desk computer.
I want this book!
Yes sir. Print is next, then all other eBook formats. 🙂 There are a lot of links in the book – using it on your computer may be a good way to go, but we will be doing Nook – but only because you requested it. 😉
It’s on my page at Facebook! Never too many tips.