Our flash fiction champ this week is Carol Wyer. Congratulations to Carol, and thanks to everyone who participated – excellent entries!
The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.
Without further ado, here’s the winning entry:

Tululu pushed through the undergrowth. Ahead lay the road. Beyond that, bright lights from suburban dwellings twinkled. Inside each of those, she would find the enemy. Once she was across it, she would make those humans pay, once and for all.
She’d been trained for this moment. Her skills had developed faster than all the others at the training camp. She displayed cunning and stealth. Most of all, she was courageous.
This mission had taken months of preparation in secret locations. Each turkey held a black belt in Tai Kwon Do. She had risen through the ranks rapidly and was now the leader of this fine group of young turkeys. She was the Turkey Supreme.
Behind her was her brave troop. They hated the enemy too. They had lost relatives and loved ones.
She arrived at the road. It seemed vast in comparison to her size. It was much bigger than she had understood it to be. She would have to do this alone. “Cover me. I’m going across,” she gobbled to her second in command.
She raced off at high speed, head bobbing side to side. Just as she was almost across, she was struck by an articulated lorry, and was sent spinning into the air. She landed in a front garden, dead on impact.
The second in command reported back to the officials.
“Why did Tululu the turkey cross the road?” General Turkey asked.
“To prove she wasn’t a chicken,” replied the second in command.
Woo hoo! Great stuff Carol. 🙂
Thank you Yvonne. xxxx
Well done, Carol – you made me laugh (but then you usually do!) 🙂
So, you’ve seen those photos of me naked then?
Haha! Fantastic Carol! Congratulations and well deserved. 🙂
Aw thank you xx *bows gratefully*
Author! Author! 🙂
I like that 🙂
Carol, Do you have any idea how many smiles you caused?
Thanks Dick. Sadly, I didn’t make Hubby smile. he said it was puerile! (It’s okay because “puerile” is my middle name.)
Whoop! Thank you to everyone who voted for my daft story. I couldn’t be happier. XXXXX
Very good, Carol 🙂